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再谈 Gabriela Robin

gemini22g@2004-02-10 11:31

提个问题先, 狼雨ost 2里署名 vocal: gabiela robin的那首歌是用哪国语唱的?歌词只有日文翻译,搞什么神秘主意嘛!

精华区的那篇大作果然有提到,但还是没个定论,回复中倒是有说道其实就是菅野自己,但也仅是传说,于是就再搜,看到一篇题为Is Gabriela Robin Yoko Kanno herself?的文章,还列举了不少“证据”以及那些真正vocal的关系 ,http://www.geocities.com/helixcat_2000/robin.html

估计geocities不少人上不了,就拷过来吧,作者可能是这位:James McCawley

"Gabriela Robin" is a name which frequently appears on Kanno's CDs, credited for lyrics and vocals on many of Kanno's vocal songs. However, no one had ever encountered her name outside of a Kanno CD, and no information on her seemed to exist anywhere. So suspicious! So mysterious! So exciting! And we know why. We've discovered evidence that makes us 99% positive (of course we can't be 100% unless it's officially stated) that Robin is actually Kanno herself under a pseudonymn.

#1: In the Macross Plus CDs, credit for vocal performance of Santi-U is given to Gabriela Robin. However, the ending credits crawl of the MP Movie credits Kanno herself. The voice singing Santi-U is clearly the same voice singing all other songs credited to Robin...

#2: In an interview about Macross Plus in a Newtype supplement, Kanno mentions that she herself wrote the lyrics for Santi-U. Lyrics also credited to Robin in the CD releases.

#3: Hajime Mizoguchi's solo album "Aqua Colors in Paris" contains a vocal performance by Kanno. Her voice sounds exactly like that of "Robin" in Torch Song, Ring, and Santi-U.

#4: Video interview with Kanno on Cowboy Bebop Session #0, with CB Vitaminless track Cats on Mars (sung by Robin) playing in background, allows for precise comparison of Kanno and "Robin's" voices simultaneously. It sounds pretty obvious that these voices are one and the same.

#5: At Anime Expo '99, Kanno declined to answer questions as to the identity of Robin, or whether she was herself a singer. Now why would she do that if Robin were a real person...

Based on this evidence, we've decided to switch all of "Robin's" appearances on the CD credit lists here to Kanno instead. Avoids confusion, and speaks to the deeper truth of reality, which is, ultimately, what we're all after anyway.

左:田中敦子(草薙素子役)神山健治(監督) 右:菅野よう子(音楽)

nalanchen@2004-02-10 15:18


Gabriela Robin,按御魔王的推测,她素以色列人……偶的推测素这样:菅野大学时(或前或后)的朋友,并非专职歌手……而她不希望自己的身份公开(99年那段访谈里,老狐狸在误导偶们--+),只做为兴趣或者和菅野的默契来唱歌~~~~…………

PS:逆A的演奏会,月之茧不是由Robin来唱……:rolleyes: 而指挥素菅野……菅野的声音很loli的,而且总觉得她的声音不应该素那样…………

御月无幻流@2004-02-10 16:39


Gabriela Robin是以色列人的推论,一是来自是最早出现Robin的是在Macross Plus,macross是以色列爱乐乐团演奏的。二是从一个国外菅野fans站上看到的。那个站上没有像我们这样郑重其事的推理了这么多,只是在介绍Macross Plus音乐时随口提到了一句,来自以色列的音乐人、歌手-Gabriela Robin。我个人认为是可信的。

focuslight@2004-02-11 15:47

我觉得Gabriela Robin不象是一个人。如果是的话,那声音和唱腔的多变就挺惊人了。唱Santi U和Aqua的Robin与唱Moon和Green Bird的Robin听来很不相同,而Cats on Mars和ABC Mouse Parade听来又不一样。Moon和Cats on Mars由同一位歌手演唱倒很有可能,但我总觉得Santi U听来相差太大了。Gabriela Robin唱的歌几乎都找不到确切的歌词,有些听来象是英文,有些像法文,但其实多数都可能是生造语言吧?

hotchpotch@2004-02-17 08:30

MOON 时已经开始用法文唱

nalanchen@2004-02-17 11:04

最初由 hotchpotch 发布
MOON 时已经开始用法文唱


hotchpotch@2004-02-17 22:13
