『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创] thoughts thread on H ..

[原创] thoughts thread on Hamlet

缺心眼子@2004-03-11 12:40

The play Hamlet is composed from a theme defining the ambiguousness of reality, the conflict of the evil and the virtuous, and the inescapable grasp of madness and death.

Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, like many other pieces of literature, attempts to answer the question of what reality is comprised of. However, the question itself becomes more intangible and perplexing with every explanation given to it. For Hamlet, reality is what he sees, what he senses, and what he interprets. In other words, his eyes create the microcosm in which he believes he exists. Moreover, Hamlet is an abstract of mortality. The conflict, suffering, agony and anguish that people may have confronted or will encounter are amplified in him. As a result, in his eyes, people are able to discern the reflection of a part of themselves.

The division of evil from virtue for mankind is never as distinctive as black from white. Human beings stand in a peculiar position on Earth, our heads raised to Heaven, our feet pointed to hell, and our hearts right in between. Hamlet, a man of exceptionally sharp sensibility and intelligence, reaches out to the extremes of both, and hence is garbed with one wing of an angel and one of the Devil. However, his curse is destined as he is neither angel nor devil. Thus his heart is doomed to be torn apart by the repulsive force of the two wings.

Sparked by the collision of the evil and virtuous, a fire born of madness begins to torment Hamlet. Shackled in a mortal coil, Hamlet has no choice but to face the everlasting dilemmas: to act or to refrain; to believe or to disregard; to love or to hate; to be or not to be. The answer to such dilemmas is that there is “no solution”. Consequently, Hamlet, bound to make a decision, is confined in the labyrinth of his own mind. Thereupon desperation distorts his nature and ignites insanity in him. In his struggle to escape the labyrinth, Hamlet finally realizes that every step he takes and every direction he follows leads to the unchangeable conclusion of his corruption. With this realization, he in the end embraces death with ease and feeble joy. When the blinds of death are drawn down, announcing the end of the play, the dead lie in peace, free of heartaches, free of “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”, free of the unmanageable weight of revenge, in the black oblivion.

Lizard@2004-03-12 05:17

wut a piece of work! T^T
i haven't even think about it yet

p.s.1 question..for the verbal/visual essay, we hafta explain the design rite?

L.Lynn@2004-03-13 08:17

最初由 Lizard 发布

for the verbal/visual essay, we hafta explain the design rite?

what does it mean? please explain in plain english, thanx:)