『漫游』酷论坛>『漫游水世界』>青青子衿>[原创]Pinky Summer Dream

[原创]Pinky Summer Dream

dreamswn@2004-03-23 09:51

Pinky Summer Dream

Open your door
Step out on the beach
Summer is here to reach
Feeling the fresh breeze
Touching the silky wind
Watching the green-leaf boat floating along the sea
I don’t know where its destination will be
But I know it will definitely enjoy a pinky summer dream

Running into the center of a daisy field on your bare feet
Feeling the touch with the tender soil
Feeling the dazzling sunshine all over your face
Melting in this dryly sweet air
Travel with the wind
Trying to reach a permanent summer vocation
I don’t know if you may find one
But I am sure on your way you will experience a whole lot of summer fun

Laying on the heart of the forest
Watching the gentle light penetrating through the leafy trees
Listening to the giggling of the forest’s fairy
Smelling the fresh scent from the precious heaven-sent fruit of the forest
Could this be heaven or dream?
With a free will wild-going mind
With the protect of the kindly mother-ground
Will no fears intervene your dream

Even there is thunder
Even there is popping rain
Our love for summer will never be less
Our pursue for a pinky summer life will never be halt

dykxb@2004-03-23 09:52


EmuSonic@2004-03-23 09:59

居然有个别不认识........................-_-!! (偶好笨啊)
