『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>so....commencement speaker fo ..

so....commencement speaker for my class is...

seiyafan@2004-03-23 12:17

Well, it's still undecided because I have one more year of school. But today I received an email listing all the candidates and we are suppose to pick out three. So I was going through the list and I saw some very interesting figures.

Here is the list:

1. Steve Jobs

2. Jack Welch

3. Bill Gates

4. Warren Buffet

5. Hillary Clinton

6. John Nash

7. Samuel L. Jackson

8. Millard Fuller

9. Peter Lynch

10. Will Ferrell

11. Seth MacFarlane

12. Hunter S. Thompson

13. John Turtuno

14. Don Herbert

15. Ben Stein

16. Buzz Aldrin

17. James Kunstler

18. Felix Grucci

19. Noam Chomsky

20. Chuck Palahniuk

21. George Pataki

22. Tony Danza

23. Conan O'Brien

24. Gary Coleman

25. Robert Ballard

26. Wesley Clark

27. Adam Oates

28. David Letterman

29. Michael Jordon

30. Tina Fey

31. Eddie Murphy

32. Chris Rock

33. Tina Turner

34. Marv Levy

35. Colin Powell

36. Tom Brokaw

gemini22g@2004-03-24 06:13


seiyafan@2004-03-24 06:43


Raywell@2004-03-24 12:37

This list is not ordered alphabetically!!
Wondering what kind of order it is..........