『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Can someone help me out?

Can someone help me out?

toothlog@2004-03-27 09:01

Hey all,see,my stupid eng 12 class gave us an stupid H.W
To write a creative story which I'm really really suck at it,so I figured maybe I can get some help from ur guys here
so here's the topic
first the character: 87 years old man,at a cruise ship,then at an manhattan night club,and someone had told something trouble news
the story must have to do with self-control somehow
500words at least

peace out love yaz

Bibl@2004-03-27 09:23

87 years old manmanhattan night club
?cruise ship。。

how about rainstorm?
then make the old man die~~~~or somebody save him...hhhhhha`````


toothlog@2004-03-27 11:03

I know i know it sounds a bit crazy,sigh I hate my teacher