『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[求助]i need proofread help ..

[求助]i need proofread helper..!

Lizard@2004-04-05 11:06

The adivice columnist Ann Landers once asked her readers:
If you had to do it over again, would you have children?
A few weeks later she reported that nearly 70% of the 10 000 parents who wrote in said that they would not have children if they could make the choice again.

Now answer this: Do you believe that 70% of all parents regret having children? Identify and discuss the problems with making conclusion based on the data provided in section 2.3 and 2.4(my textbook).

According to Ann Landers’ advice columnist survey, nearly 70% of 10 000 parents regret having children. However, the reliability of this survey is highly debatable since Landers has used an inappropriate sampling technique. Consequently, the survey is contaminated with bias. Landers simply invites any of her readers to participate in this survey. This method is called the voluntary-response sampling technique. It usually applies to call-in shows and mail-in surveys. In this survey, sampling bias occurs because the people who choose to write in are often not representative of all parents. For instance, if a large portion of respondents are young parents, they tend to regret having children because of financial and psychological stress. Moreover, many parents are unaware of Landers’ survey because they have not read the magazine. Gender, income and level of education of the respondents would have an impact on the results as well. Non-response bias also exists since some readers have not participated in the survey. Meanwhile, response bias and measurement bias could possibly occur for two reasons. First and foremost, a portion of the respondents may have intentionally given false answers to influence the results. Secondly, the given information does not indicate what kind of messages Landers may have delivered to the readers before they fill out the survey. The responses are possibly skewed, since it appears that she has given readers an article regarding the troubles brought to parents after they have children, which indicates that the respondents would be swayed. Both factors can invalidate the result of Landers’ survey.
In conclusion, unintentional bias can be prevented by choosing appropriate sampling and data-collection techniques whereas intentional bias can be eliminated by avoiding manipulations and loaded questions. Landers can use stratified sampling technique by selecting equal portion of responses from each age range or gender to obtain a more reliable result. The knowledge of the whole process as well as potential bias helps people to correctly determine the reliability of all types of surveys.

may i speare you a second....? i need proofread helpers.....thnx

Lizard@2004-04-09 06:05

nah...i've already handed in = =||

L.Lynn@2004-04-09 08:13

最初由 Lizard 发布
nah...i've already handed in = =||
