『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[原创]many Words

[原创]many Words

wawdj@2004-04-15 21:04


I don't talk much besides some turbulent geeks. Everything is prepared to throw at myself, maybe love, rejection. No wondering i've acquired a new mood over the weekend. I mean, i haven't quite got through the responsibility in the form of basic human nature, it's enough to get over with demands on my own suits.The shield or wall, whatever it called, highly isolated myself from being into the real world. I had assumed that most of ppl would only fetch the sores, but it might be not seriously as i thought. In the time to find a proper proposal is that to be patient of the bosom friends surrounding, to ask them how do i impressed them as the cognition of their own side, include some criticisms admittedly gave the clue with.I've prepared to abandon my despair and dissocial behaviors. From the sensation that it might be just a joke, which i paid very expensively. Some1 on my feet, really close....


There're some strange feelings, and discomforting myself about the basical personal ego, maybe it's also nesscery to able to get over the course of the whole lifetime. Along the streets, i am not be surprised to find some people have unfamilar faces of themselves, while it might offers the change to sliding away without any bother.

Much fears of contradiction, any1 is assuming self-respect would be somewhere nearby, when the numbers of eyes are counted. The fact is, the precisement isn't covered most softs of answers for the self-esteem. Throughout ages of people have been sinking in their oddness opinions regardless the appearance that involves. I'd be admired atrificial beauty and imaginative work by painters, the pride always insist the response that insulting mutter about the way they touch up and unsightly blemishes, it's just happenedn since the earliest cognition of arts where the prowess and insight reign, in this place.

Snows again

Well, after the whole country griding to a standstill has been known for a few days, the snow finally found it's own way, it's snowed and accompanied with strong winds, sleeted and hailed for most of the yesterday, ground has been blanketed with winteriness. Rude thing is about the impossibility of weather in April. It shouldn't be like that, most effective to my daily lives, it took me 15 mins longer to walk school. Somewhat it's seems fair, school has been cancelled, however i think i'd be in school a littley fatigued and drained as if i haven' t noticed by some of my classmates. I felt dumb, and a couple of new themes have flown by. ---- i have to find a way home, without such fraustrating weather...

Let's go slow

The rain fell, but it didn't fall much, i guess it was like throwing down crystals or something, the raindros must been soo commemorative and they just filled in the gaps as they arrived. I saw one squirrel bravely run through the streets during the weather looked to a treat. It might be though to spent most it's time downwards to a tree. Of cause, suddenly the whole world drives crazy, cars were sluggish during the rainfall. Didn't make any senses to the citizen people who was eager for speed and excitement. Neighbour would be kind enough to lend me an umbrella to assit in getting myself to the school. No matter how logical my thought were about being more selfish, if i am not rolling around so it didn't seem to sink in, fair enough....we'd see how the weather goes from the point, allowance times will need to be given...

Rememberance of Cecilia

I was deeply saddened to read of the death of Cecilia, a little girl who was punched out of our world. Maybe heaven would be a good place on her own steps, death might be appreciate the guilty has been done by some cold-blooded person. who then with all the greed, evil in his pace. This is really the sickening news, guilty came up where human life can be treated so cheaply. Harrowing realities of two worlds of birth and death came with it, finally i'd be laid lwo by desperate and unwillingly thought of her life been ended like that. Not even a reason could not let us bereft of hope, in all that sudden, distressed and saddened left us alone and uttly cold. I realized more than ever before how short and precious our lives are...My heat goes out and i can't possibly comprehend it totally.