『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Joke of the day

Joke of the day

seiyafan@2004-05-30 07:21

The Queen of England was sitting down and having tea with George W. Bush. The Queen told Bush that she only dined with smart people. Bush asked her how she know's wether a person is smart or not. She said listen....so she gets on the phone and calls Tony Blair. On speakerphone the Queen says to Tony "If your mother has a child and your father has a child but its not your brother or sister who is it? " Tony then says " Well, It's me". The Queen told him thank you and hung up. Well Bush thought that was very interesting he was going to try it out when he got back home.

When Bush gets home he calls up Dick Cheney, "Dick, I have a question for you. If your mother has a child and your father has a child but it's not your brother or your sister who is it? " Dick thinks for a minute and tells Bush " Can I get back to you on that? " Bush says that is fine and hangs up. Well Cheney can not come up with the answer so he calls Collin Powell. He asks Colin the same question. "Well duh, it's me" Colin says. Cheney is now excited cause he knows the answer. He calls Bush back and tells Bush he knows the anwer..." Ok what is is?" Bush asked. "It's Colin Powell " Said Cheney. Bush then replies, "No it's not it's Tony Blair".

Lizard@2004-05-30 14:31

= =++
he's so dummm.

jingwen@2004-05-30 23:40

haha, nice joke. I heard that George W. Bush has the lowest IQ of all American presidents in history.

popqoq@2004-05-31 00:51


毛毛@2004-05-31 00:53
