『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Anime Expo July 2nd to 5th. CA

Anime Expo July 2nd to 5th. CA

shinichiusagi@2004-06-04 12:33

Anyone's goin' this time? I just came back from the PMX, and realli had fun there. We win the best presentation of Masq. so happy; therefore decided to go to the next one which is Anime Expo.
If anyone is interested and willing to go, maybe we can meet ther. it's a realli cool con. i'd been there last year too. A lot of cosplayers!
BTW, i am goin' to cos tho. don't know if anywone like cosplay that we can prepare for next year~

重影@2004-06-04 13:16


shinichiusagi@2004-06-11 05:04

next to disneyland.