『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>University of Rochester--alas

University of Rochester--alas

Harmatia@2004-09-06 03:20

It occured to me that given my background, I may be able to persuade a professor or two to let me audit his/her class to keep my brain from rusting too much. So yesterday I went on a course roster hunting.

I knew the University of Rochester is a stronghold (some might say birth place) of what is known as formal modeling in political science. What I did not know was that it was pretty much all they had. There is NOT ONE SINGLE class offered on politics relating to Asia, Africa, or South America. (There is one class on Western Europe and one class on post-communism taught by a former Finance Minister of Poland, which I take to mean Eastern Europe.)

So I thought, all right I'll go look up their Asian Studies department and see what I can find there.

....they don't have an Asian Studies department.

霸王哆啦@2004-09-06 04:38

em~~~How about your schedule for studying in nippon?

half_angel@2004-09-06 08:00

a lot of Americans seems don`t care about Asia,except for some politicians

Ammy@2004-09-07 01:08

Very interesting... I went to Rochester before.

It is somewhat different in my university. There is an Asian Studies department. It is somewhat small in comparison to the other departments but they do offer courses like International Business in China, Eastern Asia history, Chinese cinema, and etc.

Harmatia@2004-09-08 12:48

最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
em~~~How about your schedule for studying in nippon?


emb422@2004-09-13 12:19

Ethnocentrism, eh?

Harmatia@2004-09-13 12:46

I don't think the word "ethnocentrism" is used that way... :P

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be starting a class named "The Samurai" from their History department.

standoffish@2004-09-13 14:36

最初由 Harmatia 发布
I don't think the word "ethnocentrism" is used that way... :P

How about "Eurocentrism"?

最初由 Harmatia 发布
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be starting a class named "The Samurai" from their History department.

What do you mean by "starting" a class? And of all things, "The Samurai"?
Does that mean you are going to teach the Wapanese the correct grip on a katana? Or maybe you are also teaching them the
proper way to adminster harakiri?

P.S. Wapanese = white otaku (ala wigger)

Harmatia@2004-09-13 15:15

By "starting" a class, I mean tomorrow will be the first time the class meets this semester.

And so what about the samurai? The samurai was a distinctive and important social class in feudal Japan, with its own interesting political/social/economic impilcations in history. If all you can think about is the katana and harakiri when the word "samurai" comes to mind, perhaps you should take the said class and get educated.

standoffish@2004-09-13 16:09

最初由 Harmatia 发布

And so what about the samurai? The samurai was a distinctive and important social class in feudal Japan, with its own interesting political/social/economic impilcations in history and
Blah BLah BLah.......katana and such

You know I am not totally averse to liberal arts but what you just said went way over my head......:rolleyes:
Just how on earth do you find these kind of stuff interesting? I mean, I do enjoy reading about such subject matters at my leisure, but to study it scholastically in an academic setting? Doesn't all the efforts strike you as a little bit futile at the end of the day? You are actually the first social science major that I know of, so pls enlighten me

Harmatia@2004-09-13 17:28

"Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning. It is explication I am after, construing social expression on their surface enigmatical." --Clifford Geertz, Interpretation of Cultures

I've always considered social science to be good for my soul, shrugs. There is nothing futile about trying to understand how people interact with each other.