『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Electron Band Structure In Ge ..

Electron Band Structure In Germanium

Harmatia@2004-09-13 04:07

Hehehe, this really is something else...I wonder if he really handed it in or not.


emb422@2004-09-15 12:20

wow... this is really.. amazing...
quite a correlation indeed, with r close to 0... +- 0.30, LOL.

of course, I can try, if I want to, to really study this by going through "obtuse, convoluted discussion ", LOL.

how did he pull through in Stanford? LOL

seiyafan@2004-09-15 14:24

That's why my school is much better. :D

Harmatia@2004-09-16 03:49

最初由 emb422 发布
wow... this is really.. amazing...
quite a correlation indeed, with r close to 0... +- 0.30, LOL.

of course, I can try, if I want to, to really study this by going through "obtuse, convoluted discussion ", LOL.

how did he pull through in Stanford? LOL

The dude did graduate, went on for a PhD in Comp. Sci, and became some Intel Fellow or another....:cool: