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On Presidential Debate Between Senator Kerry and President Bush

emb422@2004-10-01 11:06

I'm not sure how many of you watched the presidential debate today between John F. Kerry and George W. Bush on homeland security and war on terrorism, it was quite interesting...
First, clearly that Kerry held advantage over the debate. He was firm, clearly, and strong in his voice. Bush, on the other hand, is just the same old Bush who cannot do any public speaking. He was pretty much trembling, in my opinion. He would ask for extensions without knowing what to say... that is just ludicrous...
The problem with the debate is that there are too many logical fallacies employed. I mean, I've heard argumentum ad hominem, avoiding the question, circular argument, and pointless rehashes over and over again...
Bush's attack on Kerry's flip flop is not unfounded, but he overused it to the point that it seems to be his only defense against Kerry--a sign of a sort of ignorance at the current situation. Bush mentioned the fact that US actually have allies in Iraq, but he of course didn't say that most of these "allies" are third world countries that can barely survive by themselves... such as Afghanistan, for example. In addition, Bush even mentioned the notorious USA PATROIT act and called it a good thing... Overall, Bush's speech was weak.
Kerry, on the other hand, performed generally better than Bush. He pointed out where Bush did wrong in his judgment for war--the war took action too quickly without any careful plan for post-war reconstruction. In addition, he defended himself against Bush's insist on his flip-flop in his congressional votes for the war--that he did believe Sadam was a threat and needed to be removed, but he disapproved the method of which it was dealt with. However, I don't think that's really going to change the opinion of hardcore Republicans... perhaps the "undecided" will have a different view, though. In addition, Kerry still failed to present a coherent plan of the actions that he's going to take in Iraq other than simple cirticisms on Bush's past actions. That doesn't help convincing anyone other than a mere display of eloquence! What we need in political debate is essence, not mere arguments. There are reasons why Sir Thomas More banned all lawyers from his Utopia.
As for my personal impression on the candidates, I think that Bush is a good man, although he's a little bit slow up there in the head. He's been misled. But, he also possess the virtue of persistence. He firmly believe in what he does, which, even if it is wrong when we can better judge the issue from a historical point of view years later, is still highly commendable. On the other hand, I cannot say that Kerry is a "good" man, but certainly he is a prudent politician. He will get the things done, but I would never know whether he is principled or merely deveious in covering up the apperances. I do have doubts on his character, but I think he will do a better job than Bush does as the president of the United States.
Overall, my judgment is the following:
Grade for the debate today:
Kerry: A-
Bush: D+
Personal confidence level (1-100):
Kerry: 49.8
Bush: 49.9
Person who's likely to win:

Ammy@2004-10-03 10:29

politics!...argh...aren't all politicians liars anyhow?
I didn't watch the presidential debates since I think it's boring...maybe I should be more concern about it though. I don't like Bush either. He is just wasting taxpayer's money on something rather ridiculuous and absurd. I believe he's a nut anyhow. Cutting taxes was good for the rich and not the poor since the states increased their taxes while the federal taxes were slightly decreased...example nyc increased their real estate tax like 30%....urgh....and there is also such things like 9/11 tax on my bill...i thought I was the victim....now I'm becoming more of victim...
....now searching for an absentee ballot in the mail...to get baka-Bush out of office ;D

1111111@2004-10-03 12:21

I did not read both of the above posts....
I did open the TV, did not really "watch" it

I know who I will vote for anyway