wawdj@2004-10-08 14:39
这次回加拿大感觉很多事情都变了。蓝发夹@2004-10-08 23:45
最近也想到不少关于长大的事.pc81098@2004-10-09 00:44
接觸多了,心態變了Harmatia@2004-10-09 01:44
我现在已经完全堕落了 =.=霸王哆啦@2004-10-09 02:16
我完全坠落了,体重掉了10斤.........蓝发夹@2004-10-09 03:33
一位堕落很酷吗? 都堕落? 我现在知道我要做的就是念书和赚钱, 根本没时间堕落= =Harmatia@2004-10-09 10:07
俺不都说了是为赋新词强说愁了么?雨过天晴@2004-10-09 20:57
我大概也“长大了”吧...花剑久@2004-10-10 00:22
。。。。忽然觉得这里的平均年龄一定很年轻。Harmatia@2004-10-10 00:47
Quite the opposite. I do not dare to say I'm getting old because I have seen people getting old, and know that I am nowhere near that. It's actually a bit irritating for me to hear teenagers say "oh I'm getting old"----because they have no idea what they are saying really. (Of course I'm not implying that you are one of them.)Lizard@2004-10-10 09:58
每个人都感觉自己长大了=P霸王哆啦@2004-10-10 12:16
每个人都有过年少的时候每个人也都必然会长大,青春是值得留恋的但是每个人都拥有过青春或是行将拥有青春,事情就是这样,变老也不完全是坏事,因为年轻人都要前仆后继的变老~~~JanusWang@2004-10-10 16:07
我的青春小鸟一去不回来。霸王哆啦@2004-10-10 16:45
小兔子姐姐是御姐,御姐不叫老~~~花剑久@2004-10-10 20:00
哦....为什么我有一种此地无银的感觉 XD引用(Of course I'm not implying that you are one of them.)