最初由 silverpin 发布
laptop的wireless card 嘛。。。也要看看说明书上有没有说哪个键管wireless enable/disable的(重要) 然后去control panel-->network connections下面设置一下
蓝发夹@2004-10-18 04:44
who's got the broadband of NTL in the uk? i couldnt access the internet on my laptop!! so couldnt some of my housemates. it failed to config my ip address when it was actually connected! and something wrong with the rooter too. cant use wireless card!!!ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Arael@2004-10-18 05:32
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)silverpin@2004-10-18 06:28
router一定要按照说明书config然后再把你的电脑制定在那个ip上Blanche@2004-10-18 17:50
一般情况下user's manual上应该有详细的步骤.ThunderBird@2004-10-19 01:42
引用最初由 silverpin 发布
laptop的wireless card 嘛。。。也要看看说明书上有没有说哪个键管wireless enable/disable的(重要) 然后去control panel-->network connections下面设置一下
引用最初由 Arael 发布
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
is a protocol for configuring your IP and other
network settings automatically.
引用最初由 Blanche 发布
一般情况下user's manual上应该有详细的步骤.
bird可以试试打电话问service center:)
L.Lynn@2004-10-19 02:23
你们的router是wireless的吗?Blanche@2004-10-19 03:49
引用最初由 ThunderBird 发布
i dont think it's free 2 call the customer service= =
the broadband modem is supposed to be used only by one person. as there r 7 of us, we bought a router. i havent done the router part cos some of us cant access the internet through the wire.
kgb2000@2004-10-19 08:42
try bypass the rooter first红舞鞋@2004-10-21 18:39
今天有人来装ROUTER, 但我要上课. 留我那个中文系统的LAPTOP也没多大意义, 上天保佑了.无极之天@2004-10-27 16:39
看不懂英文,没有办法帮助了。myrion@2004-11-12 08:10
引用最初由 Blanche 发布
蓝发夹@2004-11-13 11:09
引用最初由 myrion 发布
如果是dsl用的modem都是需要register的 cable則不用
bird router的問題已經解決了嗎?_?
其實饅頭上面說的差不多了 router設置一般手動就可以