毕业后的去向,NY or LA?
minnie@2004-11-18 09:03
还有一年就毕业了,但是觉得现在这个BA degree缪什么实用价值。而且我兴趣也倾向于entertainment一类。想去nyu读certificiate的课程,知道这里有在ny读书的筒子,希望给点意见~拜seiyafan@2004-11-18 09:31
I think what you need to do is research the job market, to see where the jobs that you are interested are in located, and go from there. If you really like to continue to take more courses, fine. But as for me, after all that years of studying, I want a "break".Arael@2004-11-18 18:08
生活上當然是LA好 :)jsan@2004-11-18 22:20
NY's entertainment should be good too.iou1985@2004-11-19 14:16
嗯,偶不清楚现在的环境,很迷惘,不知道啊jsan@2004-11-19 23:59
go some where warmAmmy@2004-11-20 08:23
Well, new york is quite expensive place to live...but if you are into financial markets and stocks ...it's quite the best place to be in downtown Manhattan Wall Street...it's not that far away from Chinatown too....on the other hand, the weather is not so nice as L.A...LA has beautiful beaches and etc...not in New York...in regards to entertainment...we do have Broadway and that's pretty much about it in my humble opinion as a New Yorker...LA would probably be a better place...I went there before...ashley@2004-11-20 09:47
樓主先仔細研究一下比較好吧...wqwz@2004-11-20 10:12
偶住在LA.....= =....偶觉得住在LA比较好啦....因为妈妈说NY很乱.....不过LA是全世界的一个大集锦....啥米银都有......= =尤其是墨西哥银.....听说墨西哥银都素不务正业型.....偶将来是想去NY的.....因为本人较向往大城市....不要待在LA这个大农村|||Ammy@2004-11-20 11:28
大城有大城得好 , 农村有农村得好处. 我记得有一次停电, subway 不走了. 我从 downtown manhattan 行路到我家....5 hours...在农村绝对不会发生这些事.seiyafan@2004-11-20 11:40
在美国开车也是玩命的,平均每天车祸死几百人。conanhsieh@2004-11-20 14:40
小心開就好了....................只是stop sign很討厭!!!!jayfather@2004-11-23 00:15
認同areal,minnie@2004-11-29 09:36