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hellcat613@2004-12-29 17:29


Operation information systems also make routine decisions that control operational processes.
Examples are automatic inventory recorder and production control decisions.
Decisions such as these are called programmed decisions because they are automated (programmed) by basing them on decision rules.
Decision rules outline the actions to be taken when an information system is confronted with a certain set of events.
This includes a category of informaition systems called process control system (PCS),in which decisions adjusting a physical production process are automatically made by computers.
Petroleum refineries and the assembly lines of automated factories,use such systems.
They monitor a physical process,capture and process data detected by sensors,and make real time adjustments to a process.

hjs_rain@2004-12-31 06:47

Operation information systems also make routine decisions that control operational processes.
Examples are automatic inventory recorder and production control decisions.
Decisions such as these are called programmed decisions because they are automated (programmed) by basing them on decision rules.
Decision rules outline the actions to be taken when an information system is confronted with a certain set of events.
This includes a category of informaition systems called process control system (PCS),in which decisions adjusting a physical production process are automatically made by computers.
Petroleum refineries and the assembly lines of automated factories,use such systems.
They monitor a physical process,capture and process data detected by sensors,and make real time adjustments to a process.

(它们)这些系统监控整个物理工作流程, 捕捉并处理又传感器检测到的数据,然后对流程作出实时的调整。
