『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>Top Baby Names for 2004

Top Baby Names for 2004

Harmatia@2005-01-12 06:56

Top Baby Names for 2004

After three years at the top, Emily has been unseated by Emma as the most popular girl name in the United States, while Jacob remained the nation's most popular boy name for the fourth year in a row. The BabyCenter Baby Names List, which is the largest private list available, was compiled from more than 310,000 BabyCenter members who had babies in 2004. Our list combines names with the same pronunciation but different spellings to give a more accurate view of name popularity.

Although the most popular girl names shifted places, no new names entered the top 10 in 2004. For boys, Connor is new to the list, while Zachary has fallen out of the top group.

The top 10 baby names of 2004 (vs. 2003)

Girls' names
Emma (Emily)
Madison (Emma)
Emily (Madison)
Kaitlyn (Hannah)
Hailey (Hailey)
Olivia (Sarah)
Isabella (Kaitlyn)
Hannah (Isabella)
Sarah (Olivia)
Abigail (Abigail)

Boys' names
Jacob (Jacob)
Aidan (Aidan)
Ethan (Ethan)
Ryan (Matthew)
Matthew (Nicholas)
Michael (Joshua)
Tyler (Ryan)
Joshua (Michael)
Nicholas (Zachary)
Connor (Tyler)

seiyafan@2005-01-12 07:09

Many, if not majority of them are "unheard" in our school.

vivitar@2005-01-12 07:21

just find some of them in school....

Novia@2005-01-12 07:26


偶学校samantha & sophia好多....lol~~

Ammy@2005-01-12 07:33

some of these names I have never heard of in school. Sort of reminds me of the teachers/professors reading out the roster in the beginning of the school year. Out of all these years in school, all the teachers/professors in my life except one have trouble reading out the roster. The only one who didn't have any difficulties happen to be a linguist.

Harmatia@2005-01-12 07:39

最初由 seiyafan 发布
Many, if not majority of them are "unheard" in our school.

These are baby names. :P
I don't think you attend a nursery school?

seiyafan@2005-01-12 07:52

You are right, I wasn't thinking.

Lizard@2005-01-12 07:56

wait 'til 2020/2030s when u see everywhere is full of emma and jacob, u may probably remember reading this piece of news decades ago^^

seiyafan@2005-01-12 08:01

Here's a list of top 10 in 1980's

1 Michael 33316 Jessica 23744
2 Christopher 27697 Jennifer 22274
3 Matthew 22914 Amanda 18260
4 Joshua 19983 Ashley 17489
5 David 19556 Sarah 13676
6 Daniel 17520 Stephanie 10992
7 James 17505 Melissa 10952
8 Robert 16232 Nicole 10573
9 John 15928 Elizabeth 9987
10 Joseph 15058 Heather 9716

Now they look a lot more familiar.

Harmatia@2005-01-14 05:48

Yeah there were way too many Jennifer and Melissa in my high school, along with the requisite Liz and Sarah.

Ammy@2005-01-14 08:17

Now that I think of it, I feel kind of stupid too...they are way too many Michael s , and I even have several friends named David....

neofreestyler@2005-01-14 15:05

Emma sounds very aristocrat-like~~~
To me, Emily is much better than Emma.
It makes me recall the brand 'Emily the stranger'.hehe...

风之阡陌@2005-01-14 19:12

in my school (A girl school), there are 6 Hannahs... loads of Emmas, too.

My name is sort of rare - Winnie.

蓝发夹@2005-01-15 07:33



Harmatia@2005-01-16 06:27

最初由 neofreestyler 发布
Emma sounds very aristocrat-like~~~
To me, Emily is much better than Emma.
It makes me recall the brand 'Emily the stranger'.hehe...

For an aristocrat-y feel, I like the girl name Eloise, or Isobel.