Typo on New York Times
seiyafan@2005-02-15 01:09
Last night I was reading an article on nytimes.com, and found the following typo,pojen@2005-02-15 03:22
不會文法的某人飄過~kakashi@2005-02-15 03:53
Hmm...a deal 是主詞吧? 英文也不是很好的人閃過...雨过天晴@2005-02-15 09:11
记得我English老师说她用的美国出的12年级课本里有n多grammar mistake..比如"classes's".........=[]=Lizard@2005-02-15 09:53
hshshhahaha,1111111@2005-02-21 13:41
well, this is not a grammar mistake...Lizard@2005-02-23 17:32
actually, it is a grammar mistake....MlNGO@2005-02-23 17:45
typo的可能性更大一点。。in 和 is 那么相似。。word等还没到检查的那么仔细。。