Paris Hilton address book was hacked
seiyafan@2005-02-22 13:03
Has anyone else heard the news? :Djsan@2005-02-22 23:23
It is her cell phone address book on the web that was hacked.Ammy@2005-02-23 04:56
I heard about it. I heard that she uses T-Mobile service or something. Poor folks (celebrities) who had their numbers called so many times a day.jsan@2005-03-02 01:24
I think she is also the spokes person for that phone.seiyafan@2005-03-02 06:18
It seems she likes to draw media's attention. Last time was when her boyfriend released a porn video of her on the internet. :rolleyes: Ouch...Lizard@2005-03-02 09:12
富傢女阿~~雨过天晴@2005-03-02 12:25
利用媒体的威力啊```~~silverpin@2005-03-02 12:52
interesting...jsan@2005-03-02 23:29
I guess it is time for all her friends to up grad to a new cell phone.