『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>the Terri Schiavo case

the Terri Schiavo case

Harmatia@2005-03-24 01:27

For those of you who have been following it, what do you think?

I just feel bad for the parents.....but I don't ncessarily think the tubes should be reinstated.

jsan@2005-03-24 03:23

I also feel bad for her family, but I won't want to live like the way she is right now. That is not living.

Harmatia@2005-03-24 05:52

最初由 jsan 发布
I also feel bad for her family, but I won't want to live like the way she is right now. That is not living.

yeah I guess the lesson is to make a living will

seiyafan@2005-03-24 05:54

Her feeding tube has been out since last Friday right? I think she's as good as dead now.

Harmatia@2005-03-24 05:56

From what I read, it takes quite a long time (weeks) in a case like hers.And during this long wait the tubes would be reinstated depending on how the whole thing unfolds.

螟蛉@2005-03-24 07:01

最初由 Harmatia 发布
From what I read, it takes quite a long time (weeks) in a case like hers.And during this long wait the tubes would be reinstated depending on how the whole thing unfolds.

according to CNN
Without liquids, it could take Schiavo two to four weeks to die from dehydration.


that's a horrible way to die..
but since 15yrs have passed since the collapses of terri, I don't think she has any hope of recovery
In a week of appeals and court hearings, three doctors -- two chosen by Michael Schiavo and one chosen by the court -- testify that Terri is in a persistent vegetative state without hope of recovery. Two doctors chosen by her parents say that she can recover. In November, Greer rules the feeding tube can be removed in January 2003, but stays that order in December pending another appeal.

seiyafan@2005-03-24 07:20

True, brain cells aren't like nails that can grow back.

Harmatia@2005-03-24 12:00


I recommend this article to people who have interest in this case. It's a very moving story.

mingo@2005-03-28 07:28

It's over: parents abandon fight to save Schiavo
March 28, 2005 - 8:43AM


jsan@2005-03-30 01:23

hope her last hours are peaceful