『漫游』酷论坛>『漫游水世界』>青青子衿>[原创]Madman and Headshrink ..

[原创]Madman and Headshrinker

dreamswn@2005-05-07 16:03

Madman and Headshrinker

Someone told me our fates are all guided by an invisible hand
We are all part of the masterplan
Yet what if all we see is just an illusion underneath the vanilla sky
What if our lucid dreams turn out to be nightmares?
Shall we still give our trust to the theory of destiny?
Simple life or larger than life
What is real and what is fantasy?
Simple friendship, committed spouse, I love everyone, and everybody loves me
Are these really happening or I am just imagining things
Split data into designated field
Yet I can’t even tell where the storage room is
My world is colorful
My world is monochrome
Electric guitar keep scratching around my ear
Yet the birds in my tree just don’t even sing
Flowers keep changing and remain fresh in my vase
Yet my garden just can’t even grow a piece of weed
I’ve seen a lot
Yet I don’t know what is meant for beauty
I’ve been through quite a lot
Yet I can’t recall a thing in my head
The most gorgeous view is just in frond of my eyes
Yet I am too blind to see
Conservative and open minded
Consider every cons and pros
Yet in the progress of giving a deep thought
More than a generation has been born
Yet still cannot figure out the masterplan
Madman and headshrinker
Illusion, fantasy or real world
Well, you judge it
When the time you figure it out just don’t forget to give me a call

红舞鞋@2005-05-07 23:37

well, what is ur number?

no one can figure out what life means and what it is supposed to be like because we are cursed, or gifted, may I suggest, to think. Those thoughts of life could be a waste of time if you dont do anything about it, right? So, why dont you just get on with your life!

songe@2005-05-07 23:50

中文的回答是 杞人忧天^_^事在人为