最初由 emb422 发布
I use to hate it. Now I'm okay. But I can resist them, and would rather prefer fruit candy (e.g. Starburst) than it.
Anyone love chocolate?
seiyafan@2005-05-08 14:16
I Love chocholate.1111111@2005-05-08 14:31
no wal-mart near me花剑久@2005-05-08 15:50
用了7年的杯子,上面写的是miraya@2005-05-08 16:28
Life is like a box of chocolate...Blanche@2005-05-08 19:50
Swiss Noir, 72% cacao<--my favouriteLizard@2005-05-09 06:54
i lub dark chocolate without walnuts or any sort雨过天晴@2005-05-09 07:05
。。我小时后吃了太多爸爸从巴西带回来的chocolate...5555...那时候是1天1块啊,,胖得跟什么似的。。。从正面看是圆的。。。Novia@2005-05-09 10:58
偶原来不太喜欢的......最近发展到还可以蛮吃了..........lol...emb422@2005-05-09 11:23
I use to hate it. Now I'm okay. But I can resist them, and would rather prefer fruit candy (e.g. Starburst) than it.Novia@2005-05-09 13:27
引用最初由 emb422 发布
I use to hate it. Now I'm okay. But I can resist them, and would rather prefer fruit candy (e.g. Starburst) than it.
jsan@2005-05-09 21:56
Love chocolate, but can't eat too much. So far, I like Godiva the best.若叶∮缘衣@2005-05-12 20:10
不怎么喜欢....conanhsieh@2005-05-13 07:28
my teacher loves it!! she can't live with out chocolatelovecat512@2005-05-13 08:37
^_^现在每天回家一根巧克力脆皮雪糕Ammy@2005-05-14 21:04
Yum! Yum...I certainly love chocolate..in fact i have a whole drawer fill with it