『漫游』酷论坛>『漫游水世界』>青青子衿>[原创]A grief letter to my ..

[原创]A grief letter to my mama

dreamswn@2005-08-30 12:51

A grief letter to my mama

Mama you gave me the look and the body
I’d forever appreciate
I love it
I enjoy it
But I sometimes hate it

Mama, you gave me the brain
I’d forever appreciate
But I sometimes over analyze
But sometimes my head just go all blank
And there is even time I couldn’t even find a piece of mind

Mama, I just got into this really bad habit called appetite for destruction
Things you told me to do for once
I never fail
Things you remind me for twice
I rebel
I sometimes will dream to put a trigger against my head
And boom, a man in my head is dead
If that would count as a crime
I would already be sentenced to death for a thousand times

Mama, I live in the center of a sin city
People around me like to wear masks at every minute
I don’t know whom I should call friend
I got a lot of attention
But I got no love
People sometimes all seem to just want a piece of me
But after I gave them my care
They abandon me

Mama, I live in the city that I have to sleep with my enemy
And at the end I betray all of them
And being left alone in my apartment
Loving hearing people say I am pretty
Hating people say I am pretty
Cause I know what they are up to after all the flattery
I really want to know what does people see in me
When they say I am beautiful and nice
Do they really know about me
Do they know I can easily break my promise
Do they know I will betray both my friend and my enemy

With things stuck in my head
I may go insane
But I am not gonna let it happen before my most loved one walk into their coffin
With the last conscious left I know that is the only promise I should keep and protect
Pray everyday for that pity little last best piece of me could stay before I was buried 6 feet underneath

rocketgyp@2005-08-30 12:55


It sounds very good, hehe...^6^

PS:I feel sorry for my words... I have got some healthy problem at this moment... I just change my eyeglass......

Go on to taste the life by yourself------by yoursef... It is not always sweet for us, but records many good or bad memories for us to remember, and learn about......

chainryu@2005-08-30 12:58


Blind_siegfried@2005-08-30 12:59


真-宗次郎@2005-08-30 14:27


sodawater@2005-08-30 14:42



alikasiry@2005-08-30 14:44


PS:It's hard to read ……

dreamswn@2005-08-31 15:29

it s really passimism. but with all the mess i ve encountered by now, i guess i may need to see psychologist, and stay in rehab for a while. i love the world, love my city, love the place i live, but thing is, there has just been way too many troubles recently. writing is probably the only way for me to let all the negative feelings and upset out from my head. sometimes is really gd to feel talking with anonymous. cuz you dont no who i really am, but maybe just because of that, your suggestion will be the most valuable one. and thx for reading my thread

miraya@2005-08-31 16:00

About the poem, it sounds really good....very beautiful, just like some lyrics....
but you'd better say"I really want to know what people see in me"..."does"should be omitted here....

However, I don't think your mama should bear the fault. Who gave birth to you so that you can enjoy the wonders of this big world? Who raised you up so that you can have a beautiful body and soul? And who paid for your education and all your other activities so that you can find yourself more integrity and knowledge? ... With all that, how can you blame her for your own grief?

Moreover, why don't you think about all the care and love she gave to you? You're just complaining about your mama's ignorance of your distress, but have you ever cared about her feelings and emotions? Does she ever have a grievance against you? Does she ever ask you to repay her? If your answer is "No", I'd rather say,
please, don't be so self-indulgent...

zhjanhui@2005-08-31 16:02

go home,and laugh with mother,
travel alone,return the nature to find yourself
cry in the rain ,running
i like them.
believe it's just a while.

BabyKiss@2005-08-31 16:16


dreamswn@2005-09-01 00:17

最初由 miraya 发布
About the poem, it sounds really good....very beautiful, just like some lyrics....
but you'd better say"I really want to know what people see in me"..."does"should be omitted here....

However, I don't think your mama should bear the fault. Who gave birth to you so that you can enjoy the wonders of this big world? Who raised you up so that you can have a beautiful body and soul? And who paid for your education and all your other activities so that you can find yourself more integrity and knowledge? ... With all that, how can you blame her for your own grief?

Moreover, why don't you think about all the care and love she gave to you? You're just complaining about your mama's ignorance of your distress, but have you ever cared about her feelings and emotions? Does she ever have a grievance against you? Does she ever ask you to repay her? If your answer is "No", I'd rather say,
please, don't be so self-indulgent...

believe, i ve never meant to blame my mom. to me if not b/c her, i wouldnt have the life i have right now. even things for now seem a lil' too heavy, and i sometimes kinda feel hard to find a piece of mind, but honestly, god and my parents have been really really good with me. i guess human nature is pretty greedy. even with that much endorsement, still not satisefy. but no matter wat, i feel really lucky and grateful to have parents like my dad and mom.


浅井 あゆみ@2005-09-01 18:07

僕の英語は 全然 忘れてしまいました。
簡単な日常会話が まあまあです。

火兰火杉@2005-09-04 20:34
