最初由 天外游龙 发布
Chinese translated manga in toronto?
stormofdarkn@2006-01-30 13:58
Does anyone know any stores that sell chinese translated manga in toronto? I am able to find lots of stores that sell bootleg anime dvds but none of them sell manga. The english ones are way to expensive T_T.Lizard@2006-01-30 14:55
i haven't seen any yet天外游龙@2006-01-30 15:06
最近邻居在网上订购了“水星领航员”漫画,台湾的网上书店,上星期订,这星期就送到了。80块钱台币/本,换成加币是差不多CDN$3雨过天晴@2006-01-31 00:29
我只知道Hamilton有一家茶馆里边有好多漫画读 ^o^ 其他的还真不知道。。 太古好像有一家rental....但大多是台湾漫画?@@stormofdarkn@2006-01-31 01:17
I think the one in P.mall is already gone. I cannot buy from online stores either.gloreyan@2006-02-04 04:49
引用最初由 天外游龙 发布
1111111@2006-02-13 08:07
I know there is a bunch of chinese translated manga in some public library in ny, but very very hard to find the whole series (not talking about finding all at one time, but multiple times (10+))雨过天晴@2006-02-13 11:14
hey.. now that upstairs have mentioned it.. there are English Translated manga in most Library systems.. not sure about the Toronto one, but I know there are tons of mangas in the Hamilton Public Library.. ... >o< ... but unfortunately there are no Chinese translated manga ..