最初由 nalanchen 发布
-__________,- DVD里带的是英文版的……
有哪位听歌词强人能把这Pale cocoon里那首<蒼い繭>的歌词给听全了的...
幽远@2006-06-05 17:47
下载连接(由于手头没有切割软件只能整个截了[/KH] .从16:40秒开始)灰羽@2006-06-05 18:26
http://popgo.net/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=379025&highlight=Pale+cocoon冰河的海@2006-06-06 09:45
看来看去只有楼主的版本准确些\nalanchen@2006-06-06 09:53
-__________,- DVD里带的是英文版的……冰河的海@2006-06-06 13:56
引用最初由 nalanchen 发布
-__________,- DVD里带的是英文版的……
nalanchen@2006-06-06 14:42
引用最初由 冰河的海 发布
PS 修改后的听写版本我转下..
冰河的海@2006-06-06 14:48
引用最初由 nalanchen 发布
jacket@2006-06-06 18:50
引用最初由 nalanchen 发布
-__________,- DVD里带的是英文版的……
nalanchen@2006-06-07 09:58
引用最初由 jacket 发布
( ゚ ∀゚ ) !
引用Morning when the woods have slept
Smoke leaves a trail in the sky
Intersecting with the horizon
Creating a sliver cross
Morning when the ocean has slept
The moon has stopped waiting
The full moon wanes, presenting a cradle
Instead of a prayer
That is the last angel
The remaining horn
Pale cocoon that can't hatch
Even without a smile
Morning when the stars have slept
Minimal sky, cloudy sky
When there was god
Wet and glistening garden strawberries
Promising a day to meet
I won't forget you......
冰河的海@2006-06-07 16:39
引用最初由 nalanchen 发布
…… ==已经去佛兰西了?
虽然翻译成了英文,但还是哈诗意啊啊啊 ><><><