最初由 ~幻羽~ 发布
~幻羽~@2006-07-20 19:38
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_wqd-mHGSQ&mode=related&search=BLEACHabcbuzhiming@2006-07-20 20:00
我就不多说废话,一会就会有人来拍你,楼主,说中国动画配音目前很水不是你的错,但要是说中国配音界没希望,只怕你自己会先被口水淹没……自由泳@2006-07-20 20:02
主角的声音好热血........~幻羽~@2006-07-20 20:05
我喜欢小白的声音》《~御宅@2006-07-20 20:08
他们也和日本一样考虑完角色属性再找声优 不像中国是一人多役囧fayetian@2006-07-20 20:10
不咋的,很一般,听得我鸡皮疙瘩一阵阵的知鱼乐@2006-07-20 20:11
引用最初由 ~幻羽~ 发布
一个人走呀走@2006-07-20 20:12
呵呵,猛男配的不错!呵呵富良兔@2006-07-20 20:23
LZ可以自己去当声优new tape@2006-07-20 20:31
还不错的样子,就是有的地方口形没对上……chaineryu@2006-07-20 20:36
比较喜欢几个女声~limyeeshin@2006-07-20 20:43
this is an odd movie/fandub that shows the american voices for Bleach. its a fandub alright since the voices suck like hell. The video/fandub shows how some of the characters from Bleach speak in English. anyways, I think the Japanese version of Bleach is better and the voices for the characters in Japanese is better than the american voices cause they sound a lil weird. What Im trying to say is that the "American voices" for Bleach suck like hell. Remember, this is a fandub.... not an official dub ppl!!! also, i would like to ackknowledge a user named tamtu or sumthing like that for making the video. ppl, he tries very very very hard to make the fandubs, so dont criticize it that harsh.tewaku@2006-07-20 21:04
哦``好强的饭啊``自己配音```````似聚实散@2006-07-20 21:17
中国电视剧的配音就很好.黑犬吠吠@2006-07-20 21:18
银最后那个"BYE BYE"有点嗲~没了~