[俗一把华丽的] Renaissance, the animation (更新ing: DVDrip的BT下载)
SoooooDee@2006-08-12 06:57
引用Renaissance is set in Paris in the year 2054, with the police and powerful figures from the business world in pursuit of a kidnapped researcher who holds a secret to the future of mankind. The movie was rendered in flat black and white, but animated in 3D using a cast of 30+ live actors in conjunction with motion capture technology from Vicon. Although the filming itself took just nine weeks, Renaissance has been a work in progress since 1998, when Marc Miance took the original idea for the film to Volckman and producer Aton Soumache. Miance, already an established effects specialist, founded Attitude Studio in 2000 to handle the technical side of the project.
reference: http://www.responsesource.com/releases/rel_display.php?relid=QmQzA引用The creators of the film at Attitude Studio have combined technical excellence with ground-breaking new ideas. Unlike most motion-captured films, Renaissance was created using an entire cast of more than 30 real actors. The film’s creators have successfully managed to blend real acting with animation in a way never seen until now. This is the first movie of its kind to place so much importance on the actor, picking up the subtleties of each character’s individual movements and body traits. For example, a 78 year old actor was cast in the role of an older character, allowing all the subtleties of the way an older body moves to be captured.
Motion capture requires actors to wear Lycra catsuits covered in dozens of tiny, light reflective dots. The Renaissance team did not want the actors to be restricted in their movements because of this and felt the clothing should be allowed to become part of the performance - the ability to put one’s hands in pockets or shake off a coat mid scene etc, can really make a difference to the finished portrayal. Because of this, the team embarked on the technical landmark of producing transparent costumes that worked in harmony with both the camera equipment and the performance. For example, one scene in the film sees Karas slide up a coat sleeve in order to attach handcuffs to the character’s wrist more freely. Subtleties such as this really give the film an extra dimension.
Similarly, making eye movement realistic has, in the past, been a pain point for animators. The Renaissance team felt it was important to extend the use of motion capture to the actors’ eyes. Eye movement is as intrinsically linked to the body’s movement as it is to speech – when you jump or turn, the eyes will react to these movements in different ways. To capture these subtleties of motion, the actors were shot wearing spectacles developed in-house by Attitude Studio.
yauaaa@2006-08-12 08:32
又是黑白,好懒..... (怎么我好像在掌咀似的)judaxia@2006-08-12 09:16
这片子前阵子听说过,貌似很囧......怀疑自己能不能看懂Corundum@2006-08-12 09:25
技术上和基努的黑暗扫描仪很像,不过那个是彩色的。SoooooDee@2006-08-12 15:54
引用最初由 yauaaa 发布
又是黑白,好懒..... (怎么我好像在掌咀似的)
引用最初由 Corundum 发布
yauaaa@2006-08-12 17:13
不是有没技术问题.... 而是黑白会省时易做很多很多。引用最初由 SoooooDee 发布
=..= 听说是导演自己要求的.....技术上全彩没问题.....
richardlaw@2006-08-12 20:17
图透看了很有feel ~~~等RIPnewfaceryo@2006-08-12 20:20
这片不光没有彩.而且根本就没有灰度变化啊.SoooooDee@2006-08-13 05:11
TO T 没天理啦!!! 竟然ticket全部sold out!!!引用其实我喜欢mono tone 的,但套套都mono 就开始觉得他们是为了懒而非艺术感。
yauaaa@2006-08-13 06:46
scanner darkly的话年多前看过条制作样本clip,看出不是人手"重画"的,是用到某种2d shader,效果见不得人,阴影和渐变位一刺一刺摇风摆柳的...Corundum@2006-08-13 10:48
引用最初由 SoooooDee 发布
那你可以去看看scanner darkly, 这个是拍好了电影, 然后一格一格用笔再画一次.....OTL 我就佩服Richard L这导演, 怎么麻烦怎么弄 ......
SoooooDee@2006-08-13 19:51
引用最初由 Corundum 发布
"A Scanner Darkly" was shot, locked and edited, just like a normal live-action film. After transferring to the animators via Quicktime, "We bring it into the world of animation," says Tommy Pallotta, "and make the same movie twice." The 憇econd movie,?which gives the hard reality of the first a trippy, pop art twist, was created by a 15-month long computer animation process designed to paint reality, not mimic it. The "painterly" process of interpolated- rotoscoping allows animators to paint over live action DV footage in ways similar to putting brush strokes on paper or canvas. The process frees animators from having to hand-draw each line in every frame. Instead, the computer connects fluid lines and brush strokes across a wide range of frames to create lifelike human movement.
atkio@2006-08-13 19:55
全黑白超赞cys_pitaten@2006-08-13 20:22
很赞的样子啊,的确初看有画面SIN CITY的味道…………魔方侠@2006-08-13 21:27