『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[Q&A] Love on the Internet

[Q&A] Love on the Internet

Needs@2006-08-23 20:40

I am 20 years old. I met a guy, H, on the Internet two months ago. He lives in the United States and we kept in touch through mobile services. Our friendship lasted for only two days because I got angry with him over some silly reason and told not to contact me anymore.

A few weeks ago, we met again on the Internet and now, I'm very interested in him. It doesn't take a month or a year to fall in love, sometimes even an hour is more than enough. I'm in love with H and I have already expressed my feelings to him. To my surprise, he felt the same way.

I have already seen his photograph but he has yet to see mine. He calls me almost every day or once in two days from the United States. We sometimes talk for an hour or longer. A few weeks ago, when I asked him if he had found another girl in the recent two months, he hung up on me. When I asked him the next day wht he hung up, he said that I was asking him silly questions.

Also, he tends to use foul language, not on me but when he gets upset or is angry, and I really don't like that. He said I could change his wrongs to rights and I'm trying my best to change him in every way that I can. So far, I do see a little bit of change.

Do you think I should trust him? Do you think he loves me or is he just playing games? Is it possible to fell in love with someone without knowing how the other person looks? I don't want to get hurt. I have gone through lots of disappointments in life and I don't think I could take anymore.

It's easy to have the feeling that you're in love with someone. It's not difficult to have this person you like or find interesting and fascinating growing in your imagination until your waking hours are filled with thoughts of him and little else. I believe we're disposed to falling in love because it brings with it a feeling of euphoria much better than rich chocolate or ice cream.

You need to be sure that you are in love with this guy and not with the idea of him. It's much easier, simpler and cleaner to love an idea. Reality is a different thing altogether. The trouble with meeting online with someone so far away is it's more difficult to know the real person. Dating online must be done with eyes wide open, because we all can create virtual personas that have little to do with reality. Dating online is a bit like "buying a pig in a poke." That's an old English expression.

It is difficult for anyone to tell you if your online American friend's in love with you or not. And since you're uncertain, you need to ask yourself what it is you want from the friendship now and where do you think you want this relationship to develop. But please don't throw caution to the wind in the name of love. Be prudent and streetwise. If you meet him, make sure it is in a public place and don't expose yourself to any risk.

**Hopefully through this reference, it can be give you some direction. ( for certain people only ) n.n~

SoooooDee@2006-08-23 21:05

啊? 什么东西?

Needs@2006-08-23 23:36

最初由 SoooooDee 发布
啊? 什么东西?


jsan@2006-08-24 03:33

She is not in love.
She just likes the idea of being in love.

雨过天晴@2006-08-24 09:10

感觉LZ像是在暗示什么? xP ...

ywang84@2006-08-24 11:10


雨过天晴@2006-08-24 11:28

据我所知 = = 鬼佬的网恋。。很多哟
说得好像真的要结婚似的 orz .. 不过= = 也有真正结婚的啦....

Needs@2006-08-24 12:12

最初由 jsan 发布
She is not in love.
She just likes the idea of being in love.

Exactly, the point is whether she want to accept him or not :o
But it's really difficult for her to make the decision.

Needs@2006-08-24 12:29

最初由 雨过天晴 发布
感觉LZ像是在暗示什么? xP ...

Simply for sharing~
Since after i read it...then make me feel the right to post it on "MY"


MlNGO@2006-08-24 12:51

hehe 我还是趁早现实找一个比较实际..

雨过天晴@2006-08-24 13:00


我还未成年所以不想不健康di事情。。。。。 阿哈哈

MlNGO@2006-08-24 13:08

最初由 Needs 发布

Exactly, the point is whether she want to accept him or not :o
But it's really difficult for her to make the decision.
love make people blind...
既然是网络帕拉图性质的精神恋爱了, 就不要贸然的拖到现实中比较好。。。soulmate 不一定等于 partner..

MlNGO@2006-08-24 13:09

最初由 雨过天晴 发布

我还未成年所以不想不健康di事情。。。。。 阿哈哈
[/TX] [/TX] [/TX] 不要想太多也不要说太多。。呵呵。。

毛毛@2006-08-24 14:41

上个月才看报纸说英国有个超级妈妈(生了十几胎)搞网恋抛夫弃子私奔去了~ 啧啧

iou1985@2006-08-24 15:33

