『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[求助]有谁懂加拿大的 ..

Novia@2007-02-28 11:34


277989775@2007-03-01 13:12

the simpliest way is go to police
but u have to think carefully be4 u do dat

i cant say if u r wrong or rite
and i cant help u much
but best wishes with all

u no who i am rite? =3=

雨过天晴@2007-03-02 11:28

hahaha 生JJ??

jack34b@2007-03-02 15:35

最初由 雨过天晴 发布
hahaha 生JJ??


DAMN@2007-03-05 00:02

最初由 雨过天晴 发布
hahaha 生JJ??

en en me
i dont have too much MJs =3=

i havenot even send my transcript...
and i wonder about dat 2 TOT

sherrygin@2007-03-16 12:54

which province are you in?? There's a Kids Help Phone program for people who suffer from some kind of distress, such as yours, if you really want to sue your parents, you may want to call on them. I'm sure they'll have pofessionals who could help you. And if that fails, you could always go to the nearest police station...It's confidential, i'm sure if you are expressing only ur concern, they won' hook you up with social workers.........(yeah social workers are annoying....i've seen one dealing with a kid i know before)

GRACELIAN@2007-03-20 08:15

Well..after reading this.. these paragraphs just hurts me from my inside.....i finally find somebody who is experienceing the same problem with myself....but for the it is a history..
i know how you feel...i can understand ...totatly....i mean Totaly...i even have tears from my eyes at the moment i am typing this...
It is ridiculous that once your are above 16 and you still have issues with your parents....That just not RIGHT...
And YES..i AGREE with you........You should Stand Up for youSelf..
Be brave girl!!

(And you are already brave..by posting this post in popgo.....i have been here for many years..but i never talked about my parents....Go girl!)

雨过天晴@2007-03-20 11:58

OMG I think ur dad is worse than mine......
at least my dad doesn't conciously thinks girls are worth less than boys (although he unconciously acts that way, because of the way he was raised. my grandpa's family was very 重男轻女。)
抱抱~~ 至少现在你跟你爸井水不犯河水了 =3

Today I talked to a police officer.... She said they're gonna have a talk with my dad, but my dad went back to China so she told me to tell her when he comes back >__<

ahh life is sooo peaceful without him xD

GRACELIAN@2007-03-20 14:26

Well..you should solve your problem as soon as possible....
Well..life is so good now when i solved all of these problems...
I got a computer = = so we don;t fight for one anymore...
and...cell phone is ok now...and earrings...are fine = = ++
Everything is fine now.....
Well...same....my grandma's family is really focuss on BOYS......the gender........
AND.....when you dad come back...you should solve it as soon as possible.....because IF you take this event longer..maybe More Unexpectful things will happen.......and when that happens....there is no way to get back........

I actually like the way me and my dad right now..
We Joke all the time........when he says i am pretty...It means i am ugly = =++++,,,,so the way we talk changed A little bit...but at least i am not looking at him with fears..........
But when he get angry with other things.. = =OMG= = ~~+++the face is scarey = =__+++

 I hope you can solve yours Too.......you are not only saving yourself...but your brother........!!as a sister..you should protect him = =~
