最初由 小狼 发布
拉克西丝~@2007-04-06 09:43
欲多舔光 @2007-04-06 10:44
明显是PS出来的……拉克西丝~@2007-04-06 11:59
我想问下,PS做出来后,怎么弄到动画里呢?我特效都是SSA文本编辑的,有办法弄进去吗?小狼@2007-04-06 12:55
SSA可以做,会绘图就可以了smallkirby@2007-04-06 13:00
PS后AE导入,,麻烦点AVS加 = =绿叶之砚@2007-04-06 13:05
引用最初由 小狼 发布
拉克西丝~@2007-04-06 13:48
引用最初由 小狼 发布
不败的魔术师@2007-04-06 14:19
又一个不自己先努力的= =拉克西丝~@2007-04-06 14:28
可是我一点也不知道哦,不知道该从那里开始努力,知道点的话,我也不会来麻烦大家的啊^^。雷鸣@2007-04-06 14:36
SSA的语法中是支持导入图片的,不过不知道为什么VobSub 2.32All不行,好像最新的2.37也是不行,整个系列压根儿就不支持……引用
7. Picture event lines, [Events] section
These contain the same information as Dialogue events, but Field 10 contains the full path and filename of the picture to display, instead of subtitle text.
The Style specified is ignored. The "scroll up" transition effect can be used for picture events.
The Left and Vertical Margin Overrides specify the bottom-left corner position of the picture. A left margin of all zeroes means that the picture will be horizontally centered. A vertical margin of all zeroes means that the picture will be vertically centered.
Field 10: Text
Subtitle Text. This is the actual text which will be displayed as a subtitle onscreen. Everything after the 9th comma is treated as the subtitle text, so it can include commas.
The text can include \n codes which is a line break, and can include Style Override control codes, which appear between braces { }.
MeteorRain@2007-04-06 14:56
vobsub全系列不支持图片。要挂的话用avs的imagesource()+overlay()吧amos402@2007-04-06 23:18
引用最初由 不败的魔术师 发布
又一个不自己先努力的= =
和那个AMOS啥一样想人家把语法直接送到面前么- -
kiasushou@2007-04-06 23:24
只是 logo 還能用 asshdazuo@2007-04-07 19:06
偶帮你画还要?~badchris@2007-04-07 19:32