最初由 superkidx 发布
V1 V2 ?什么参数?没见过……
娃娃的刀刀@2007-11-13 22:24
用来压X264的话V1和V2哪个比教好?[/KH]superkidx@2007-11-14 09:39
V1 V2 ?什么参数?没见过……娃娃的刀刀@2007-11-14 10:42
引用最初由 superkidx 发布
V1 V2 ?什么参数?没见过……
海波湛蓝@2007-11-14 12:41
无差别kagakadaj@2007-11-14 13:03
这标题和这内容真让人别扭……拜托说清楚点……娃娃的刀刀@2007-11-14 16:42
引用最初由 kagakadaj 发布
bomber1984@2007-11-14 17:17
高手用v2海波湛蓝@2007-11-14 18:30
话说,寻觅大大路过此地,教导我等V2奥义Rouble@2007-11-14 22:12
v2 code 還是比較吃cpu timewolfsoft@2007-11-15 12:38
v2很简单,就是每一帧的时间点。是毫秒,自己慢慢算除法吧系统杀手@2007-11-15 22:09
感觉v2精确点xtiano@2007-11-17 10:52
这仅仅是timecodes文件格式差别而已.会对成品有影响么?引用v1 timecodes works by setting an assumed framerate (the "Assume xx.xxx" line at the top) and then defining ranges of frames as having other framerates. The format is
startframe,endframe,frames per second
v1 timecodes are nice, because they're a lot more readable than v2 timecodes, and because they're human-editable.
v2 timecodes on the other hand work by defining a timestamp (in milliseconds) for each frame in the video. The timestamp determines the frame start time, and hence the first line after the v2 format definition must always be 0 or weird things can happen. The example above shows a framerate of 25 (because 1000/25 = 40 milliseconds per frame). v2 timecodes are kind of a pain, because they require that the output has the exact same amount of frames as the input did. This can occasionally be very annoying. However, there are tools to convert v2 timecodes to v1 ones. See the tools section at the bottom.