风牙@2002-08-21 22:27
高桥留美子牙櫻@2002-08-22 01:40
没错﹋高桥老师的不停的进步真是令我们有些人很不喜歡 ranma 1/2
jhsieh9645@2002-08-22 02:51
i just saw some people posted on other bbs that they think ranma is the worst tv and cartoon series in the history. How dare they do this!! Well, I agree that Ranma is a long series and basically you can start reading from any point without knowing what happened on the last volume and still be able to understand the whole story. So? which means 作者的功力高深.ling1234@2002-08-22 10:39
枫儿@2002-08-22 13:37
好象没贴完吧?Sammi@2002-08-22 13:57
只要是高桥的死忠的话,楼主帖的文章就肯定早就看过啦~jamesant@2002-08-22 14:09
文章看多了......我以前还贴过的说......sokyo1410@2002-08-27 21:34
好象在哪里看过了?rknn@2002-08-27 23:30
说实在的,福星乱马一刻人鱼都要比犬夜叉要好。tatuya2k@2002-08-27 23:33
我覺得高橋老師的相聚一刻是最好的作品 ~~~~~~~ ^^