『漫游』酷论坛>『影音数码技术学习交流』>[请教]请问现在lame默 ..
rancetrw@2008-02-15 09:53
下载的一些高质量的mp3都是混合的。 难道说现在lame混合立体声技术要比立体声
dongjuanyong@2008-02-15 10:10
混合立体声……是joint stereo吧,跟5.1没什么关系就是了
joint stereo则是左右声道有参照,因此节约一些码率
另外joint stereo在还原左右声道信息的时候是无损运算的,因此同码率下比标准stereo效果要好,保真度也稍高一些
red161@2008-02-15 16:12
superkidx@2008-02-15 18:19
如果是纯音乐的 用-m s 和 -m j 码率差别不大
但若是歌曲 2者在同样是 -v 4 的情况下 -m s压出来的平均码率为160-170K 而 -m j 只有140-150K
rancetrw@2008-02-15 23:02
最初由 dongjuanyong 发布
混合立体声……是joint stereo吧,跟5.1没什么关系就是了
joint stereo则是左右声道有参照,因此节约一些码率
另外joint stereo在还原左右声道信息的时候是无损运算的,因此同码率下比标准stereo效果要好,保真度也稍高一些
dongjuanyong@2008-02-15 23:26
最初由 rancetrw 发布
red161@2008-02-15 23:31
最初由 superkidx 发布
如果是纯音乐的 用-m s 和 -m j 码率差别不大
但若是歌曲 2者在同样是 -v 4 的情况下 -m s压出来的平均码率为160-170K 而 -m j 只有140-150K
就是这道理 两者的差别 耳朵一般的都听出来 还要继续说?
-m s压的 用好了EQ设置,128的都可以给人感觉音质明显提升
暗影翔@2008-02-16 00:50
最初由 red161 发布
就是这道理 两者的差别 耳朵一般的都听出来 还要继续说?
-m s压的 用好了EQ设置,128的都可以给人感觉音质明显提升
superkidx@2008-02-16 10:36
最初由 red161 发布
就是这道理 两者的差别 耳朵一般的都听出来 还要继续说?
-m s压的 用好了EQ设置,128的都可以给人感觉音质明显提升
什么道理啊 用ABX法必须非常仔细专心才能听出部分曲目的微妙区别
xakecool@2008-02-16 10:39
rancetrw@2008-02-16 14:18
1 q 好像通常是选5,数值越大速度越慢,文件大小不变
2 质量 默认是4,应该是数值越大文件也越大,不知道这个质量4是否相当于192k?
3 最大VBR比特率 这个数值该如何与“质量”搭配选择?
1 禁止写入vbr标签
2 严格执行最小比特率
3 使用abr代替vbr
red161@2008-02-16 18:32
最初由 superkidx 发布
什么道理啊 用ABX法必须非常仔细专心才能听出部分曲目的微妙区别
S的时候 声音是清晰的 但感觉单薄一点
J嘛 声音没这么清晰 音域要更宽广一点
winamp之流 是很多人不会用EQ罢了 用好了 不能说追上无损 128的追上256的还是可能的
q0就是质量最好 想进一步提高质量就使用noath
最大vbr 那个就是范围 vbr320 q0 noath (vbr范围最低32 最高320) 这种设置理论上是最好质量的版本 然后就看编码器本身了
暗影翔@2008-02-16 20:04
最初由 red161 发布
S的时候 声音是清晰的 但感觉单薄一点
J嘛 声音没这么清晰 音域要更宽广一点
winamp之流 是很多人不会用EQ罢了 用好了 不能说追上无损 128的追上256的还是可能的
q0就是质量最好 想进一步提高质量就使用noath
最大vbr 那个就是范围 vbr320 q0 noath (vbr范围最低32 最高320) 这种设置理论上是最好质量的版本 然后就看编码器本身了
superkidx@2008-02-16 21:31
noath 根本没有这个
LAME 32bits version 3.97 (http://www.mp3dev.org/)
usage: D:\music\RazorLame\lame.exe [options] [outfile]
and/or can be "-", which means stdin/stdout.
lame -V2 input.wav output.mp3
Input options:
-r input is raw pcm
-x force byte-swapping of input
-s sfreq sampling frequency of input file (kHz) - default 44.1 kHz
--bitwidth w input bit width is w (default 16)
--scale scale input (multiply PCM data) by
--scale-l scale channel 0 (left) input (multiply PCM data) by
--scale-r scale channel 1 (right) input (multiply PCM data) by
--mp1input input file is a MPEG Layer I file
--mp2input input file is a MPEG Layer II file
--mp3input input file is a MPEG Layer III file
--nogap <...>
gapless encoding for a set of contiguous files
output dir for gapless encoding (must precede --nogap)
--nogaptags allow the use of VBR tags in gapless encoding
Operational options:
-a downmix from stereo to mono file for mono encoding
-m (j)oint, (s)imple, (f)orce, (d)dual-mono, (m)ono
default is (j) or (s) depending on bitrate
joint = joins the best possible of MS and LR stereo
simple = force LR stereo on all frames
force = force MS stereo on all frames.
--preset type type must be "medium", "standard", "extreme", "insane",
or a value for an average desired bitrate and depending
on the value specified, appropriate quality settings will
be used.
"--preset help" gives more info on these
--comp choose bitrate to achive a compression ratio of
--replaygain-fast compute RG fast but slightly inaccurately (default)
--replaygain-accurate compute RG more accurately and find the peak sample
--noreplaygain disable ReplayGain analysis
--clipdetect enable --replaygain-accurate and print a message whether
clipping occurs and how far the waveform is from full scale
--freeformat produce a free format bitstream
--decode input=mp3 file, output=wav
-t disable writing wav header when using --decode
--disptime print progress report every arg seconds
-S don't print progress report, VBR histograms
--nohist disable VBR histogram display
--silent don't print anything on screen
--quiet don't print anything on screen
--brief print more useful information
--verbose print a lot of useful information
Noise shaping & psycho acoustic algorithms:
-q = 0...9. Default -q 5
-q 0: Highest quality, very slow
-q 9: Poor quality, but fast
-h Same as -q 2. Recommended.
-f Same as -q 7. Fast, ok quality
CBR (constant bitrate, the default) options:
-b set the bitrate in kbps, default 128 kbps
--cbr enforce use of constant bitrate
ABR options:
--abr specify average bitrate desired (instead of quality)
VBR options:
-v use variable bitrate (VBR) (--vbr-old)
--vbr-old use old variable bitrate (VBR) routine
--vbr-new use new variable bitrate (VBR) routine
-V n quality setting for VBR. default n=4
0=high quality,bigger files. 9=smaller files
-b specify minimum allowed bitrate, default 32 kbps
-B specify maximum allowed bitrate, default 320 kbps
-F strictly enforce the -b option, for use with players that
do not support low bitrate mp3
-t disable writing LAME Tag
-T enable and force writing LAME Tag
PSY related:
--short use short blocks when appropriate
--noshort do not use short blocks
--allshort use only short blocks
--notemp disable temporal masking effect
--nssafejoint M/S switching criterion
--nsmsfix M/S switching tuning [effective 0-3.5]
--interch x adjust inter-channel masking ratio
--ns-bass x adjust masking for sfbs 0 - 6 (long) 0 - 5 (short)
--ns-alto x adjust masking for sfbs 7 - 13 (long) 6 - 10 (short)
--ns-treble x adjust masking for sfbs 14 - 21 (long) 11 - 12 (short)
--ns-sfb21 x change ns-treble by x dB for sfb21
experimental switches:
-X n[,m] selects between different noise measurements
n for long block, m for short. if m is omitted, m = n
-Y lets LAME ignore noise in sfb21, like in CBR
-Z [n] currently no effects
MP3 header/stream options:
-e de-emphasis n/5/c (obsolete)
-c mark as copyright
-o mark as non-original
-p error protection. adds 16 bit checksum to every frame
(the checksum is computed correctly)
--nores disable the bit reservoir
--strictly-enforce-ISO comply as much as possible to ISO MPEG spec
Filter options:
-k keep ALL frequencies (disables all filters),
Can cause ringing and twinkling
--lowpass frequency(kHz), lowpass filter cutoff above freq
--lowpass-width frequency(kHz) - default 15% of lowpass freq
--highpass frequency(kHz), highpass filter cutoff below freq
--highpass-width frequency(kHz) - default 15% of highpass freq
--resample sampling frequency of output file(kHz)- default=automatic
ID3 tag options:
--tt audio/song title (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ta audio/song artist (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--tl audio/song album (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ty audio/song year of issue (1 to 9999)
--tc user-defined text (max 30 chars for v1 tag, 28 for v1.1)