Script is pretty simple and works fine in 32bit vista.
I am running a dual boot, to test out the 64bit version, but if I can't get this to work it is a deal breaker on the 64bit version. In wmp the error says "your computer is out of memory".
qyqgpower@2008-09-14 23:17
众所周知,Avisynth从某个版本开始默认划取1/4系统内存作为缓存,还可以使用SetMemoryMax()来手动设置最大内存占用,但似乎有的插件无视这个限制……蓝の回忆@2008-09-15 00:27
为了压片去买内存...很好...superkidx@2008-09-15 10:07
FFT3D 确实比较凶悍 尤其是对720p 1080p的时候ZhenGod@2008-09-15 10:17
剛好,昨晚燒雞了, 順手複製lz的FFT3DGPU(precision=2,plane=4)qyqgpower@2008-09-15 12:29
GOD_HIKARU MK2@2008-09-15 13:33
=_= 最近你们越来越EP了dongjuanyong@2008-09-15 15:42
doom9上的相关帖子:qyqgpower@2008-09-15 16:26
有IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE这个flag的32bit程序最大4G,否则2Gdongjuanyong@2008-09-15 16:50
引用Script is pretty simple and works fine in 32bit vista.
I am running a dual boot, to test out the 64bit version, but if I can't get this to work it is a deal breaker on the 64bit version. In wmp the error says "your computer is out of memory".
Re: [聊天]AVS脚本的内存占用
qyqgpower@2008-09-15 17:12
引用最初由 qyqgpower 发布
MeteorRain@2008-09-16 12:03