最初由 abbc 发布
除了财力和安全感等因素以外,可能还和电影/电视剧这些媒体有关。大部分情况下这些作品的男主角都是大叔。出色的万人迷大叔包括吉姆斯 邦德,印第安纳 琼斯,圣诞老人,等等。这些都是千千万万小女孩/少女心中的偶像。不奇怪,当那些小女孩长大以后,会下意识的寻找大叔级男友。
0 Haku 0@2010-01-03 00:58
唔,订的《MY STREET》送到了,立刻撕开邮包开始O疼地矫情起来坐在天梯顶上补习功课,很多事情都已经忘光,比如猜居然是个问人要香烟打爆精神病院院长的太妹……Reverie@2010-01-03 01:00
蜗居抽你们。柿崎美砂。@2010-01-03 01:04
缺乏父亲的爱0 Haku 0@2010-01-03 01:13
没看过蜗居,对此莫名……对了我说的是没头脑的真正的爱,不是援交包养等噻。larme@2010-01-03 01:46
這種類型的女生我認識幾個,她們大多都還是喜歡型爆廢材大叔的leafyii@2010-01-03 01:53
中年大叔一般有钱、成熟、性技巧高超danying555@2010-01-03 01:58
想起某韩剧中的大叔,然后就是恋风中大叔脸的哥哥。。Reverie@2010-01-03 02:10
废渣大叔控------>洁儿妮卡(骷髅恋人)满月诗篇@2010-01-03 02:15
有的妹子觉得中年男人稳重,成熟sealfate@2010-01-03 02:28
总是莫名的觉得这种事很正常。。sdeath@2010-01-03 03:48
这是为了安慰宅们说你们还有希望。。淘淘1147@2010-01-03 04:05
嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗,貌似这是绝大部分女性都会有的心理特征,其实这点才是关键abbc@2010-01-03 04:20
除了财力和安全感等因素以外,可能还和电影/电视剧这些媒体有关。大部分情况下这些作品的男主角都是大叔。出色的万人迷大叔包括吉姆斯 邦德,印第安纳 琼斯,圣诞老人,等等。这些都是千千万万小女孩/少女心中的偶像。不奇怪,当那些小女孩长大以后,会下意识的寻找大叔级男友。韩子@2010-01-03 05:22
引用最初由 abbc 发布
除了财力和安全感等因素以外,可能还和电影/电视剧这些媒体有关。大部分情况下这些作品的男主角都是大叔。出色的万人迷大叔包括吉姆斯 邦德,印第安纳 琼斯,圣诞老人,等等。这些都是千千万万小女孩/少女心中的偶像。不奇怪,当那些小女孩长大以后,会下意识的寻找大叔级男友。
abbc@2010-01-03 05:42
引用最初由 韩子 发布
引用The masters of sexual innuendo
Study these phrases well, given by the master debators themselves, for they can barely contain their innuendic load before it is gushes forth will the full force of comedic thrust.
“Ho, ho, ho! Here comes Santa!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Midnight Prowler"
“If you've been a good girl, I'll be coming down your chimney tonight!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Silent Crime"
Santa Claus and his lovely big bulging sack.
“If you've been a bad boy, I'll be coming down your chimney tonight!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Artful Throbber"
“Ho, ho, ho, children! Who wants to feed Rudolf?”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Backdoor Bandit"
“Do you want a ride on my sleigh little girl?”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Red Ravage"
“Ho, ho, ho, little boy, have I got a surprise for you!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "The Jolly Menace"
“Is this where all of the bad girls live?!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "Two Big Lumps Of Coal"
“My sack's going to be empty when I'm finished with you!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "Credit Where It's Due"
“When I come, I'm going to fill both your stockings!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a. "A Hard Delivery"
“Let's see what's waiting for you under the tree, kids!”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "Giver Of Gifts"
“Who wants to see me mount Rudolf?”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "Animal Lover"
“I'm going to violate you with my penis.”
~ Santa Claus a.k.a "No Bullshit"
According to recent news, some people have decided that Santa Claus is the only sexual innuendo. This fact cannot be confirmed, but according to what my son tells me about what Santa did to him last night, it sounds highly probable. (wiki)