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[分享] 将masktools 2使用的逆波兰式转成S-表达式(emacs lisp)

linuxyouxia@2011-12-15 07:18

masktools 2用的逆波兰式不容易让人读懂,最近无聊折腾emacs,顺便用emacs lisp写了段代码将其转成S-表达式

  1. (? (== x y) x (+ x (* (* (* (* (^ (/ (abs (- x y)) 16) (/ 1 2)) 16) Str) (/ (^ (- x y) 2) (+ (^ (- x y) 2) (/ (* Str 100) 25)))) (/ (- x y) (abs (- x y))))))

对应的中缀表达式是(用一个Perl脚本转换,Windows Cmd下使用会遇到参数转义问题,就不发上来了)
  1. ((x == y) ? x : (x + ((((((abs((x - y)) / 16) ^ (1 / 2)) * 16) * Str) * (((x - y) ^ 2) / (((x - y) ^ 2) + ((Str * 100) / 25)))) * ((x - y) / abs((x - y))))))

  1. (require 'pp)
  2. ;;http://braeburn.aquamacs.org/code/master/lisp/emacs-lisp/pp.el
  3. (defun avs-masktool-postfix-format (expstr)
  4.   (let ((initlist (delete "" (split-string expstr "\"")))
  5.     (outlist nil))
  6.     (defun expstrproc (procstr state)
  7.       (defun append-outlist (separator-str)
  8.     (setq outlist (append outlist (delete "" (split-string (car procstr) separator-str)))))
  9.       (cond ((null procstr) outlist)
  10.         ((= state 0)
  11.         (append-outlist nil)
  12.         (expstrproc (cdr procstr) 1))
  13.         ((= state 1)    
  14.         (append-outlist "+\\|\n\\|\s\\|\t\\|\r\\|\\\\")
  15.         (expstrproc (cdr procstr) 0))
  16.         (t nil)))
  17.     (expstrproc initlist 0)))
  18. (defun avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix-elisp (explist)
  19.   (defun make-polish-symbol-table (list)
  20.     (let ((p-symbol-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
  21.       (dolist (pair list)
  22.     (puthash (car pair) (cadr pair) p-symbol-table))
  23.       p-symbol-table))
  24.   (let ((rpnstack nil)
  25.     (polish-symbol-table (make-polish-symbol-table '(("+" 2) ("*" 2) ("/" 2) ("-" 2)
  26.                              ("^" 2) ("%" 2) ("?" 3) ("==" 2)
  27.                              ("=" 2) ("!=" 2) ("<=" 2) ("<" 2)
  28.                              (">=" 2) (">" 2) ("&" 2) ("|" 2)
  29.                              ("&!" 2) ("°" 2) ("@" 2) ("&u" 2)
  30.                              ("|u" 2) ("°u" 2) ("@u" 2) ("~u" 1)
  31.                              ("<<" 2) ("<<u" 2) (">>" 2) (">>u" 2)
  32.                              ("&s" 2) ("|s" 2) ("°s" 2) ("@s" 2)
  33.                              ("~s" 1) ("<<s" 2) (">>s" 2) ("cos" 1)
  34.                              ("sin" 1) ("tan" 1) ("log" 1) ("exp" 1)
  35.                              ("abs" 1) ("atan" 1) ("acos" 1) ("asin" 1)
  36.                              ("round" 1) ("clip" 3) ("min" 2) ("max" 2)
  37.                              ("ceil" 1) ("floor" 1) ("trunc" 1)))))
  38.     (defun poprpn ()
  39.       (let ((item (pop rpnstack)))
  40.     (cond ((gethash item polish-symbol-table nil) (push item rpnstack) "*undef*")
  41.           ((null item) "*undef*")
  42.           (t item))))
  43.     (defun funop (argc ele)
  44.       (let ((item nil))
  45.     (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
  46.         ((> i argc) (push (concat "(" ele " " item ")") rpnstack))
  47.       (setq item (concat (poprpn) (if item " " "") item)))))
  48.     (let ((rpnelelist (delete "" explist)))
  49.       (dolist (ele rpnelelist)
  50.     (let ((eleargc (gethash ele polish-symbol-table nil)))
  51.       (if eleargc
  52.           (funop eleargc ele)
  53.         (push ele rpnstack)))))
  54.     (let ((res ""))
  55.       (dolist (restele rpnstack)
  56.     (setq res (concat res restele "\n")))
  57.       res)))
  58. (defun avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix (rstart rend)
  59.   (interactive "r")
  60.   (let ((data (buffer-substring-no-properties rstart rend))
  61.     (info nil)
  62.     (buf (get-buffer-create "*masktool helper*")))
  63.     (set-buffer buf)
  64.     (setq buffer-read-only nil)
  65.     (erase-buffer)
  66.     (setq info (avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix-elisp (avs-masktool-postfix-format data)))
  67.     (insert info)
  68.     (pp-buffer)
  69.     (clipboard-kill-ring-save (point-min) (point-max))
  70.     (pop-to-buffer buf)
  71.     (message info)))
  72. (provide 'avs-masktool-helper)


在emacs配置里,绑定下avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix快捷键,选中逆波兰式字符串区域(包括引号),然后按快捷键或者M-x avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix RET,输出格式化后的S-表达式,并添加到kill-ring里面,方便粘贴
  1. (add-to-list 'load-path "path2pp.el&avs-masktool-helper.el")
  2. (require 'pp)
  3. (require 'avs-masktool-helper)
  4. (global-set-key (kbd "C-C C-P") 'avs-masktool-postfix-to-prefix)

另2:emacs曾有人写过一个视频编辑模式 GNEVE GNU Emacs Video Editing

[ 此帖被linuxyouxia在2011-12-15 07:40重新编辑 ]

06_taro@2011-12-16 08:02


linuxyouxia@2011-12-16 09:59


mt_infix/mt_polish要通过avs调用,需要自己写个程序调用后直接返回字符串= =

  1. #!/usr/bin/env perl
  2. use strict;
  3. use warnings;
  4. my @rpnstack;
  5. my %opsymbol =
  6.   (
  7.    '+' => \&mathop, '*' => \&mathop, '/' => \&mathop, '-' => \&mathop,
  8.    '^' => \&mathop, '%' => \&mathop, '?' => \&ifop, '==' => \&mathop,
  9.    '=' => \&mathop, '!=' => \&mathop, '<=' => \&mathop, '<' => \&mathop,
  10.    '>=' => \&mathop, '>' => \&mathop, '&' => \&mathop, '|' => \&mathop,
  11.    '&!' => \&mathop, '°' => \&mathop, '@' => \&mathop, '&u' => \&mathop,
  12.    '|u' => \&mathop, '°u' => \&mathop, '@u' => \&mathop, '~u' => &funop(1),
  13.    '<<' => \&mathop, '<<u' => \&mathop, '>>' => \&mathop, '>>u' => \&mathop,
  14.    '&s' => \&mathop, '|s' => \&mathop, '°s' => \&mathop, '@s' => \&mathop,
  15.    '~s' => &funop(1), '<<s' => \&mathop, '>>s' => \&mathop, 'cos' => &funop(1),
  16.    'sin' => &funop(1), 'tan' => &funop(1), 'log' => &funop(1), 'exp' => &funop(1),
  17.    'abs' => &funop(1), 'atan' => &funop(1), 'acos' => &funop(1), 'asin' => &funop(1),
  18.    'round' => &funop(1), 'clip' => &funop(3), 'min' => &funop(2), 'max' => &funop(2),
  19.    'ceil' => &funop(1), 'floor' => &funop(1), 'trunc' => &funop(1)
  20.   );
  21. sub poprpn {
  22.   my $res = pop @rpnstack;
  23.   if (!defined($res)) {
  24.     print "$_: The user has not input sufficient values!\n";
  25.     $res = '*undef*';
  26.   } elsif (defined($opsymbol{$res})) {
  27.     push(@rpnstack, $res);
  28.     print "$_: The user has not input sufficient values!\n";
  29.     $res = '*undef*';
  30.   }
  31.   return $res;
  32. }
  33. sub funop {
  34.   my $argc = shift;
  35.   return sub {
  36.     my $opstr = shift;
  37.     $_ = $opstr;
  38.     my $res = &poprpn;
  39.     for (my $i = 2; $i <= $argc; $i++) {
  40.       my $element = &poprpn;
  41.       $res = "$element ".$res;
  42.     }
  43.     return "$opstr($res)";
  44.   }
  45. }
  46. sub mathop {
  47.   my $opstr = shift;
  48.   $_ = $opstr;
  49.   my $item1 = &poprpn;
  50.   my $item2 = &poprpn;
  51.   return "($item2 $opstr $item1)";
  52. }
  53. sub ifop {
  54.   $_ = '?';
  55.   my $item1 = &poprpn;
  56.   my $item2 = &poprpn;
  57.   my $item3 = &poprpn;
  58.   return "($item3 ? $item2 : $item1)";
  59. }
  60. my @instr = split /(?<=")|(?=")/, $ARGV[0];
  61. my $rpnexp = '';
  62. my $state = 1;
  63. foreach my $to (@instr) {
  64.   if ($state == 0 ) {
  65.     if ($to eq '"') {
  66.       $state = 1;
  67.       next;
  68.     }
  69.   } elsif ($state == 1) {
  70.     if ($to eq '"') {
  71.       $state = 0;
  72.       next;
  73.     }
  74.     $to =~ s/\+|\\/ /g;
  75.   }
  76.   $rpnexp = $rpnexp."$to ";
  77. }
  79. my @rpnstr = split /\s+/, $rpnexp;
  80. foreach my $token (@rpnstr) {
  81.   my $action = $opsymbol{$token};
  82.   if (defined($action)) {
  83.     my $res = &$action($token);
  84.     push(@rpnstack, $res);
  85.   } else {
  86.     push(@rpnstack, $token);
  87.   }
  88. }
  89. while (defined(my $exp = pop @rpnstack)) {
  90.   print "$exp\n";
  91. }

[ 此帖被linuxyouxia在2011-12-16 11:07重新编辑 ]