看看下面的说明, 它作用是用来增强图像对比的. 可以让模糊的图像清晰些,正常片源就不要选它, 它会丢失部分图像细节的. 用了它后图像会暗一些,我一般都会用ffdshow补偿一些亮度来压.
ps:这个参数计算黑色的选取值有些问题, 常会使画面出现忽暗忽亮的变化, 如非必要不建议选用.
Black Level filter-bl
This filter is designed to change shades of near-black to pure black and shades of near-white to pure white. If the source video has a washed out appearance, this filter can be used to help restore proper color. This filter automatically computes reasonable values for the black, white and gamma levels. This filter is applied to all inputs. If option is omitted, no black level filtering occurs.