最初由 匪兵乙 发布
Studio Anima has announced its development of a
12 episode full CG anime adaptation of Motofumi Kobayashis 1998 manga series Cat Shit One. The anime series updates the setting of the original manga from the Vietnam War to modern military conflicts and updates the protagonist rabbits from US soldiers to employees of a private military company. The series is designed as a serious and realistic modern war drama that happens to star cute and fluffy animals.
Story: Packy, Botasky and Rats are special operations experts working in a private military company. Every day they are embroiled in combat somewhere around the world. In the first episode, they intend to come to the assistance of a hostage captured by guerrillas demanding the withdrawal of the US Army, but instead become surrounded by a large number of guerrillas.
No animal was hurt in the production of movie lol:D