Title: Tsubasa Chronicle: Piano Solo Album
Publisher: DOREMI
ISBN: 4-285-10386-9
88 Pages.
001 ship of the fools - - 梶浦由記 - Yuki Kaijura
002 believe - - 梶浦由記 -
003 black sword - - 梶浦由記 -
004 strange games - - 梶浦由記 -
005 break the sword of jutice - - 梶浦由記 -
006 you are my love - 梶浦由記 梶浦由記 -
007 dewdrops - - 梶浦由記 -
008 tsubasa - 梶浦由記 梶浦由記 -
009 a tiny sunshine - - 梶浦由記 -
010 through the gate - - 梶浦由記 -
011 hear our prayer - - 梶浦由記 -
012 I talk to the rain - - 梶浦由記 -
013 guess how much I love you - - 梶浦由記 -
014 ruthless - - 梶浦由記 -
015 morning moon - - 梶浦由記 -
016 witch - - 梶浦由記 -
017 best years in our lives - - 梶浦由記 -
018 a song of storm and fire - - 梶浦由記 -
019 BLAZE Piano accompaniment and vocal - Opening song.
020 Loop (piano accom. and vocal) Ending song.