无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 Macroblock-tree ratecontrolOn by default; can be turned off with --no-mbtree.Uses a large lookahead to track temporal propagation of data and weight quality accordingly.Requires a very large separate statsfile (2 bytes per macroblock) in multi-pass mode.Doesn't work with b-pyramid yet.Note that MB-tree inherently measures quality different from the standard qcomp method, so bitrates produced by CRF may change somewhat.This makes the "medium" preset a bit slower. Accordingly, make "fast" slower as well, and introduce a new preset "faster" between "fast" and "veryfast".All presets "fast" and above will have MB-tree on.Add a new option, --rc-lookahead, to control the distance MB tree looks ahead to perform propagation analysis.Default is 40; larger values will be slower and require more memory but give more accurate results.This value will be used in the future to control ratecontrol lookahead (VBV).Add a new option, --no-psy, to disable all psy optimizations that don't improve PSNR or SSIM.This disables psy-RD/trellis, but also other more subtle internal psy optimizations that can't be controlled directly via external parameters.Quality improvement from MB-tree is about 2-70% depending on content.Strength of MB-tree adjustments can be tweaked using qcompress; higher values mean lower MB-tree strength.Note that MB-tree may perform slightly suboptimally on fades; this will be fixed by weighted prediction, which is coming soon.
引用 最初由 superkidx 发布以前的AQ1就是同一帧内的不同区块不同QAQ2是帧间也不同后来AQ1取消了 AQ2变成默认AQ现在又来了个AQ2
引用 1、如果1pass是crf+mbtree的话 mbtree的作用就体现在crf最终给出的码率上了 所以不能说2pass是bitrate mode就没用到mbtree的成果2、即使是全程bitrate,mbtree的作用是在每个mb到底用何种模式编码,分配多少bits,而不是全帧的码率。指定码率就相当于给了总和A,但各分项a1 a2 a3...仍然有无限多种可能性一样
引用 最初由 a4840639 发布再扯下去就成语文问题研究了我觉得广义上的反交错是可以包括IVTC的狭义上的反交错则只指对原生的交错源的处理但是"小kero"还是有必要理解这个问题的
引用 最初由 264768502 发布目前半自动里比较常用的就是TIVTC了..而且有人写过教程,也有人翻译出了完整的中文说明文档然后还有些别的脚本,调用各个不同的滤镜来做反交错的,比如AAD,AnimeIVTC等等
引用 最初由 小kero 发布感谢LS的提醒 重新安装后再下载最新版X264终于可以了我想问问新的X264里多了一个PRESETS的 预设是FAST 不知选PLACEBO 跟 FAST 有没画质上太大的区别呢?如果影响不大就选FAST了还有,新版X264支持SUBME=10了 ,想知道9跟10的差别大吗?我知道8跟9区别还是很大的,但不知9跟10有没太大的区别,因为10实在是太慢了。