无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 6c6d1a987855657fddf833ed3536ff9b976d8397That is the answer to everything
引用 Looking back the past 4 years3 October, 2010 (18:56) | lol blog | By: dovacI am regretting maintaining moe.imouto.org for so long, I realized that I’ve spent over 30,000 dollars so far and all I have to show is a leecher user base who feels entitled to have the best and greatest scans for free. There is the few users that regularly keep me from going in to RAGE mode and from killing the site over and over, anyways. I started the site with the lofty goal of destroying animepaper and minitokyo, but that goal has only been partly met. I doubt that’ll ever happen since the site admins for those sites most likely EASILY get much more income from how much it hosts their sites.More for the fact that I’m currently jobless and still have house payments to make puts me in a deep spiral of depression, I have a feeling I will lose the house due to the site. Wonderful.I am tired, really tired.
引用 Fundraiser for moeI am selling my figures soon to help pay for the site.picture are located here: http://www.imouto.org/figures/ignore the price tags, I never removed them since I bought them......
引用 I’ve decided to ebay a very rare item, please check it out: http://bit.ly/bFLay3I waited 2 days in line to get it, I hope whoever wins it will enjoy it…[/url]ignore the price tags, I never removed them since I bought them......
引用 最初由 Sherloqe 发布据说TB已经不许卖账号了
引用 最初由 tulatin 发布说起来,现在国内IP似乎很不待见了,俺常用的匿名贴图站也这个了ImageHost.org - Free Image & File HostingError: Sorry, uploads from your country are blocked.看来弄个VPN势在必行了呐。
引用 最初由 ming_tt 发布萌妹最好的是有成套的同人和画集,还能打包下,单张的谁要收啊。[/han] GELBOORU图太重口了,我连看都不想看的。
引用 最初由 rangersas 发布下漫画的自动机也就算了还有人用下壁纸的自动机??? 还真的是图就要收啊?我当初手动两个月翻完了萌妹的...GELBOORU要翻墙了.....好多图萌妹没有还就那里有,TAG也更好用GEL这里谁用软件就是真的疯了,什么图都有就意味着BL和重口一个不少,你真照单全收啊都是用TAG找自己喜欢的...
引用 最初由 tulatin 发布+1,萌妹上的图基本都是可以用来当签名档的,过激图的比例不会比ATX之类的电视台更高。说起来,很难理解为啥有人要放收图机器人出来。这种事明显是损人不利己。
引用 最初由 間桐慎二 发布我表示出了bt从来不用吸血雷,bt用吸血雷是因为有些不开吸血雷完全没速度……
引用 最初由 Sherloqe 发布楼上根本就没上过萌妹少扯淡。