and today someone's are afraid
Today I have a story to tell you about your "tell me too"
Sustain yourself (to) disdain myself and so "I hate you"
Compensates are crawling to your skin and under attitude
Say, never say Well I do "I hate you"
「我真想去死 (笑)」那就去死吧 你就快去死一死吧
sorry, you should've get another one
NO!!!!!!!!ho-ho-ho 不要讓我有這種想法嘛
什麼時候忘記了這種感覺 我的身體每天都追求著憤怒與痛苦
所以 我才不會讓給你呢
I'll never gonna like you, look upon you, like you did to me
Mama told me not be like you just beat'em and to lose'em free
You're not even a human, a human beyond this trueman
screaming, dreaming whatever you do is not inside your feeling
I know why you hate me, how to DIS me, disrespecting me
Shabby that's my name, you gave me a name, well thank you now I'm free
Now I'm gonna lick'em and then I will stick'em,
bitching itching after all now All I do is just to kill him
我心中不可告人之處 我偶爾還是會去接觸
我是誰?想著這種禁忌想法時 我就想殺了自己
無法用言語形容的龐大憤怒 我害怕它們會化成言語於是選擇逃避
如果說黑暗是為了光明而存在 為了我而生的
卻只有痛楚的話 這份憤怒 聲音 黑暗 我要從現在
捨棄「現在」 忘卻自我 從天空看著七彩的人間
I was dreaming of, I was singing of,
I was never to be able but was dreaming of
being never raged, being never raged
just being filled with laughter and sorrow
I'll never gonna like you, look upon you, like you did to me
Mama told me not be like you just beat'em and to lose'em free
don't even want to fuck you
cuz I'll get venereal
I don't want my kid to sit in next of ex-of hero kid
I know why you hate me, how to DIS me, disrespecting me
Shabby that's my name, you gave me a name,
well thank you now I'm free
Can tell it from your sight and
your voice and your eyes that goes up and down
just like your licking, sucking my cock "it's mine!!"
謊言與天空 我的心臟 還有聲音 都是由時間催動
一定到現在還是沒有人明白 何為「靜止」
沒有人明白 and today someone's are afraid......