function antialiasing(clip orig,int "th_luma",int "th_croma",string "type",int "aath") {
# "th_luma" & "th_croma" are the edge detection thres.: lower values=more edges filtered
# "type" is the matrix used for edge detection: with "sobel" (default) only the
# hi-contrast edges, where artefacts are more noticeable, are filtered. If you want
# to test other matrices, read the MaskTools Guide for more info.
# "aath" = anti-aliasing strenght (default should be fine)
th_luma = Default(th_luma, 20)
th_croma = Default(th_croma, 20)
type = Default(type, "sobel")
aath = Default(aath, 48)
ox = orig.width
oy = orig.height
dx = orig.width * 2
dy = orig.height * 2
clp = orig.IsYV12() ? orig : orig.ConvertToYV12()
b=clp.Lanczos4Resize(dx,dy).TurnLeft().SangNom(aa=aath).TurnRight().SangNom(aa=aath) \