说明书里面抄的@@..^^ -V好像只适用于VBR呢^^
VBR modes
--preset extreme
If you have extremely good hearing and similar equipment, this preset will provide slightly higher quality than the "standard" mode.
The resulting bitrate should be in the 200-240kbps range, according to music complexity.
CBR 320kbps
--preset insane
This preset will usually be overkill for most people and most situations, but if you must have the absolute highest quality with no regard to filesize, this is the way to go. This preset is the highest preset quality available.
* -V 0...9VBR quality setting
Enable VBR (Variable BitRate) and specifies the value of VBR quality.
0=highest quality.
* -q 0..9algorithm quality selection
Bitrate is of course the main influence on quality. The higher the bitrate, the higher the quality. But for a given bitrate, we have a choice of algorithms to determine the best scalefactors and huffman encoding (noise shaping).
-q 0: use slowest & best possible version of all algorithms. -q 0 and -q 1 are slow and may not produce significantly higher quality.
-q 2: recommended. Same as -h.
-q 5: default value. Good speed, reasonable quality.
-q 7: same as -f. Very fast, ok quality. (psycho acoustics are used for pre-echo & M/S, but no noise shaping is done.
-q 9: disables almost all algorithms including psy-model. poor quality.