最初由 syrah 发布
Kawamori on Episode 4:
美树本晴彦谅解了俺对明美赢得了miss.macross的设定。松田圣子(明美这个人物的灵感来源[/KH])也并未赢过任何不明的东西。。。(我误了,对于Not only him, but Matsuda Seiko (Mikimoto's inspiration for creating Minmay) never won anything as an unknown理解不能)
睡觉去,,,起床继续= =[/ku]
Kawamori on Episode 5:
森爷的第五话感想:第五集本来是要把sheryl确认为兰卡的大姐姐一类的角色的。当脚本完成之时,sheryl作为女人的特质使得她可以成为一个(新的)主要角色。这是我们改得最多的一集,但直到此时我仍然不认为sheryl对frontier来说是一个重要角色。但Risa Ebata(某做人设的)说服了我给改过的脚本一个机会。当首播我看到fans们的反应时,我仍然不肯承认现实。几个小时以后,我们却已经在与big west开会讨论(因为sheryl的缘故)需要对第六话进行的改动了。
Connecting to Episode 18: Though the script has been changed as early as Episode 5 to work Sheryl's character into the story, expanding Sheryl's storyline is another matter, as Kawamori isn't sure which direction Sheryl should take, so Ohnogi asked to leave everything into his hands; he was given free reign over Episode 18+ onwards as Kawamori watched. Here, this is where Sheryl's character is "remade" and polished in Episode 22.
* Episode 7: This episode was a gift to the mecha fans. Completely dedicated to them.
* Episode 10 : In the second half, Kawamori's cameo [the director] was unplanned. However, it [Ranka's fame] ended up being counterproductive, as Ranka in future episodes demanded much, so Kawamori believes her fame doesn't bring her good fortune. (The phrasing was vague in some parts, but this is the best I could do.)
* Kawamori on Episode 12: "I only made this episode to make people angry, and from there, the kira. Someone who arrives to a battle singing nowadays isn't as crazy as in the time of Macross 7." (stray: "I think the gist of 12 is that he wanted to go from raaaage... to.... kira!")
Kawamori on Episode 14: "Here I wanted to pay homage to the work of a great friend (Ohnogi)."
十四话说啥来着?不记得了。原来是想向ohnogi(大野木 寛), 致敬。
Episode 16: Another idea of Mikimoto's. To show how a romantic idea (singing) under the perspective of whatever government lose it's romantic meaning to become an instrument of war.
当歌作为武器时,它就不再浪漫了(御木本 幸吉的idea,但不浪漫不代表和森你可以把它做得搞笑啊)。
Kawamori on Episode 17: He's teasing fans who didn't get the pineapple salad concept; it's not fatal for Skull Leaders, just womanizers. That Roy was Skull Leader and a womanizer was just a coincidence.
ozma大叔:roy你个傻逼,其实我生活比你丰富多了,左有美女右有基友偶尔还把把妹这个loli,为啥森爷对我没有意见?因为我低调,懂么,低调!!!做好姿态等别人上来倒贴永远比主动上去追有效果。:D :D :D
on episode 18(有关18话): "It was cruel, because we pushed Sheryl to the limit farther than any other character until the end of the series, but I think this is where we see Sheryl Nome reborn by Ohnogi."
Kawamori on Episode 20 : "This was the most difficult episode I've had to direct in my career. I read in diverse forums that people were sad. The staff was the same way. But we were able to express exactly what we intended: the desperation."
Kawamori on Episode 21 : "This was the end of a cycle full of trying different things. The innocent version of Ranka Lee was different from the message we were trying to convey. Ohnogi then sent her on a voyage of self discovery. It was hard for us, and for her."
Kawamori on Episode 22 : "Humility is the word. Ohnogi stopped here to polish sheryl. This episode is full of tests of humility."
Episode 23 : Family, the simple life. Dreams and actions. A good episode to show the real motivations of the main characters.
[/KH] 我要杀了你,兰卡。我就是为此而生的——by 四角裤扎木。[/KH]
Kawamori on Episode 24 : "The last frontier of the heart is yourself. The fans loved the scenes of Alto and Sheryl, and I must say, so did I! They look great on screen. (laughs)"
以上是直译,怎么理解大家请便。和森为啥要笑???:( 为什么我有一种和森只是看了好看的感觉。
* Episode 25 was Kawamori's dream made reality.
Q1 : How would you define frontier with respect to your previous work?
Kawamori : "While Macross plus is a history where conflict arises in profound mental and physical trauma, adding emotional problems, in Frontier I wanted to express the type of conflict that could occur if it is not possible to understand suitably. To continue, Frontier is an example of the tragedies that can occur when [one] could not understand someone, by the fault of lacking a suitable language."
[/KH] 兰卡你就是一个好易通,怪不得。怎么也要升级成牛津英汉字典的水平(ms11区人英语都比较雷,森爷感叹的是这个么?)。
注解:连wiki上都查不出ohnogi(大野木 寛)到底是谁。英文wiki的mf页staff里没有这个名字。我觉得就是吉野(Hiroyuki Yoshino),日翻英翻错了。