Nadia 娜蒂亚
Marie 玛丽
King 小狮王
Sanson 山姆
n. 1.〈圣经〉参孙 2.大力士
Hanson 汉森
Grandis 格兰蒂斯
Electra 伊莱克特
([注]Electra complex n.[精神分析]恋父情结)
Nemo 尼莫
Elisis la Algol(Eleusis La Alwar)
Gargoyle 卡格依
Nemesis la Algol(Nemesis la Algolas)
Ayerton 艾亚顿
Icolina 伊可利娜
Echo 艾克
NEO 尼尔
Neo Icon Epiphanis 尼尔·伊康·艾培法尼斯
Vinasis (Basileus)
Nautilus 罗杰拉斯号
New Nautilus 新罗杰拉斯号
Garfish 卡菲修
Gratan (Grandis' tank) 格兰特
Catherine(Gratan 呢称)凯瑟琳
Exelion: 艾克西利欧
Eritorium: 伊尔特里姆
Deus Ex Machina(空中战舰二号舰): 迪斯·艾斯·玛琪纳
([注]Deus ex machina:机械降神)
Deus ex Machina
In some ancient Greek drama, an apparently insoluble crisis was solved by the intervention of a god, often brought on stage by an elaborate piece of equipment. This "god from the machine" was literally a deus ex machina.
Few modern works feature deities suspended by wires from the ceiling, but the term deus ex machina is still used for cases where an author uses some improbable (and often clumsy) plot device to work his or her way out of a difficult situation. When the cavalry comes charging over the hill or when the impoverished hero is relieved by an unexpected inheritance, it's often called a deus ex machina.
Sodom and Gomorrah 所多玛 与 蛾摩拉
([注] 旧圣约中被上帝毁灭的罪恶之都)
Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the Old Testament (Genesis 18, 19), were two ancient cities in Palestine, near the Dead Sea. The Bible almost invariably speaks of them together. With Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar, Sodom and Gomorrah formed the five "cities of the plain", all but the last-named of which are said to have been destroyed by brimstone and fire, perhaps accompanied by an earthquake, because of the indecency and perverse sexual practices of their inhabitants. Later they became prototypes of evil places and there are several tales in the aggadic tradition of the horrible things that occurred there.
Wall of Jericho 耶利哥之墙
([注] Jericho :旧圣约中坚不可摧的都市)
Tower of Babel 巴贝尔塔
Lucifer(巴贝尔塔用卫星之一): 路西法