歌名: It's only the fairy tale
原唱者: 宮村優子
歌曲格式: MP3
文件大小: 2.19MB
It's only the fairy tale 唔唔, YY这个歌很久了.... 一直缪好的instrumental, 也就一直缪唱.... 可是.... 可是.... 今天是我生日呀.... 生日的话要送给自己一点礼物的嘛.... 唱吧唱吧.... 就算instrumental不好也要唱! XD
好吧好吧.... 昨天晚上唱完发给某ZT听了之后, 居然嘲笑我说我英文发音怎么跟宫村一样.... 这就是我要的效果呀.... - -+
嗯哼.... 第一次尝试loli的感觉.... 还不错.... XD
好了不多说了.... 希望大家喜欢....
It's only the fairy tale
Who are those little girls in pain
Just trapped in castle of dark side of moon
Twelve of them shining bright in vain
Like flowers that blossom just once in year
They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love
Just dreaming of place where they're free as dove
They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage
It's only the fairy tale they