Changes to 2.50 Released
- Fixed crash in swapuv() in some cases.
- Removed "movntq" from YUY2 <-> YV12 conversion routines. Much faster code!
- Reenabled "maximize speed" in optimizations.
- Put in fix in dll initialization from Gabest.
- Fixed 4 flickering pixels in ConvertToYUY2, and potential out-of-buffer writes.
- Fixed chroma weighing in interlaced yv12 -> yuy2.
- Added ApplyRange(clip, int startframe, int endframe, String "filter", filterargs)
- Aligned Resize data (slightly faster on some setups).
- Fixed bug in YV12 stackvertical, causing corrupt images.
- Removed all fieldbased/mod 4 checks.
- Restored how fieldbased/framebased works (needs further testing!)
- Added MMX/ISSE version of YUY2 -> YV12 conversion routines (interlaced/progressive). Use converttoyv12(interlaced=true).
- Made SwapUV() faster.
- YToUV() now takes an optional third parameter, that contains luma for the final clip.
- Fixed memory exception problem in Blur()
- AudioLength() now returns the size in samples (do however beware of overflows on very long clips)
- Changed chroma weighing to be 25/75 on interlaced YV12 -> YUY2
- Removed startup Box from installer
- Added ISSE YV12->YUY2 conversions. Faster than Xvid - and both interlaced and noninterlaced modes supported. Use converttoyv12(interlaced=true).
- Fixed non-matching image type in Stack, Splice.
- Fixed rounding in Temporalsoften mode 2.
- Fixed distored color in YV12->YUY2.
- Added rewritten YV12->YUY2 (progressive) conversion to avoid using buggy XviD conversion. It also has better quality as it properly interpolates chromas as opposed to simply copying it. Speed should be the same.
- Added interlaced YV12->YUY2 conversion.
- Fix bug in C version of YUY2 -> RGB24
- Added TurnLeft / TurnRight.
- Updated (and probably broke!) separatefields / weave. They will need to be tested when it is possible!
- Updated AssumeTFF and BFF to also write the information to VideoInfo.
- Fixed bug with uninitialized data in AviSource.
- Updated icons
- PNG and JPEG support (output only). Warning: still buggy!
- Fixed wrong pitch being used in temporalsoften scenechange - could in rare cases lead to unexpected results.
- Fixed crashbug in YUY2 mergechroma.
- Fixed Splice problems with YV12 from different sources. Audio is now automatically converted to the same format.
- Don't add audio to track, if there is no present in Assumesamplerate()