http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com.nyud.net:8090/dvds/pol01.htmlPolygons have traditionally been the standard for creating game assets. With the addition of Subdivision surfaces, however, and better UV layout controls, polygons are gaining acceptance in the film and video market. This lecture covers the fundamental techniques used to create, merge and organize polygonal objects. We address efficient workflow for modeling, conversion of surfaces, and all the necessary UI.
NURBS to Polygon
Polygon Count
Custom Polygon Display
Suite of Modeling Tools
Scripts and Plug-ins
Merging Polysets and Vertices
http://www.mofile.com/673.9M [Polygon,Nurb.Modeling].Gnomon_Polygon_1.avi
8048031685818301 2005-11-14 18:07
maya Polygon 基础教程 还有第2部过几天放出来