最初由 不存在的东 发布
SONY至少有一点是大家都要学习的,就是外观设计。你看看CANON的S2 IS,图像质量再好,那模样也能把人吓跑……SONY的H1至少可以说在3000-4000元这个价位上样子最漂亮、也最像专业机的DC了!
本人第一次买DC,所以对性能图像没什么太高的要求。本来也就想买一台两千元左右的CANON IXUS50回来玩玩的。以后觉得对摄影有兴趣了再买单反也不迟。只是偶然在网上看到H1的时候才被外观吸引了的。
H1毛病的确不少,像什么紫边、USB1.1、电池续航,色调偏暖啦。不过好歹人家还在专业DC网站上评上了“highly recommended”
Conclusion - Pros
Good resolution, good edge-to-edge detail
Great color, good exposure
Accurate and fast focus
Low shutter lag
Superb handling, comprehensive photographic controls
Jog dial makes manual / semi-automatic exposure very easy and fast
12x zoom offers excellent 36-432mm range
Packed with features
Powerful flash
Image stabilization
Program shift
'Punchy' results straight out of the camera
Clean images up to ISO 200
Impressively little distortion for such a large lens
Enjoyable and easy to use
Superb screen, can be used in very bright light
Very bright AF illuminator
Good battery life
Optional wide and tele adapters
Conclusion - Cons
Slight overall softness when viewed at 100%
Some focus hunting at long end of the zoom (especially in movie mode)
Image stabilization doesn't seem quite as effective as competition
Small (though bright and clear) viewfinder
High default contrast and sharpening
Mild chromatic aberration and purple fringing
Movies can look a little over-compressed
Cannot zoom in movie mode
Some problems with blown highlights in bright, contrasty scenes
No RAW or TIFF mode
Could do with a higher top shutter speed
Limited burst mode